
  • 网络jos;Jose;JOSS;joe
  1. 几年前,一位名叫乔斯•波维(JoséBové)的坏脾气的法国干酪师傅驾驶着他的拖拉机来到了一家正在建造的麦当劳店。

    FEW years ago a cranky French cheesemaker called Jos é Bov é drove his tractor to the site where a McDonald 's restaurant was being built .

  2. 我希望乔斯别带她去这次愚蠢的野餐。

    I wish Jos wasn 't taking her to this silly Vauxhall picnic .

  3. 乔斯像往常一样爬到树上放哨。

    Jose , as usual , had climbed a tree to keep watch .

  4. 可能是保罗和乔斯之类的。

    I think it 's Paul and joe 's or something .

  5. 我希望乔斯没有陷得太深。

    I hopejos isn 't getting in too deep .

  6. 乔斯因为那被诅咒过的手套,连续失误了三次。

    Jose made three errors with his cursed mitt .

  7. 我们需要一只活公鸡,以给乔斯的手套去咒。

    We need a live Rooster to take the curse off jose 's glove .

  8. 如果乔斯可以上场的话,我绝对不会做这我不得不做的改变。

    If our left-back had been fit he would have been playing at left-back .

  9. 一只猫扑上去抓乔斯的小狗,就连雪貂也在吵闹!

    One cat scratched Jose 's little dog . Even the ferret was making noise !

  10. 乔斯是华盛顿州人,大部分职业生涯是在银行度过的。

    A native of Washington state , he spent most of his career in banks .

  11. 乔斯假定亚当真的有一个肚脐因为人类是如何形成的。

    Gosse postulated that Adam did have a navel because it is how humans are formed .

  12. 乔斯和加伊拉在儿童医疗中心相识,很快成为了好朋友。

    Jose and Jayla met at Children 's Medical Center and quickly formed a strong bond .

  13. 男孩乔斯的父母称加伊拉帮他们的儿子与病魔斗争。

    The young boy 's parents said Jayla helped their son with his own battle with illness .

  14. 乔斯很快发现,在学术机构的运转方式方面,他还有很多东西需要学习。

    Prof joss soon discovered he had a lot to learn about the way academic institutions function .

  15. 所有人都在讨论它,斯坦福则正在这么做,67岁的乔斯表示。

    Everyone is talking about it , and Stanford is doing it , says Prof Joss , 67 .

  16. 主教练乔斯-盖伊为了让彭南特远离队内训练,已经对他做出严厉的处罚。

    Coach Jose Gay prevented Pennant from joining the training session late and has recommended that he is heavily fined .

  17. 卫生老师:怎样才能防止病从口入?乔斯:什么都别吃。

    HYGIENE TEACHER : How can you prevent disease caused by biting insects ? JOSE : Don 't bite any .

  18. 乔斯将于今年退休。在执掌这所全球最具声望的商学院之一的10年中,他取得了巨大成功。

    Prof Joss retires this year after an enormously successful 10 years at the helm at one of the most prestigious business schools in the world .

  19. 整个黄昏,他就在箱子桌子堆里摸索,手抖抖的解开许多文件,把它们收拾整齐,准备乔斯回家的时候给他看。

    He passed the evening fumbling amongst his boxes and desks , untying his papers with trembling hands , and sorting and arranging them against Jos 's arrival .

  20. 我乖巧的关上了门,把里面乔斯和他年老的父亲和可怜的温柔的小妹妹怎么见面的情形,略过不谈了。

    For , you see , we have adroitly shut the door upon the meeting between Jos and the old father and the poor little gentle sister inside .

  21. 1990年意大利世界杯足球赛期间,在罗马卡拉卡拉豪华浴场举办的最初的那场音乐会是为了给乔斯挣点钱。

    The original concert in the Caracalla baths in Rome during the time of the1990 World Cup soccer tournament in Italy was created to make some money for jose .

  22. 但这一次,美国编剧兼导演乔斯•韦登打算讲述一个更加有趣而热血的故事,其中每个角色都熠熠夺目,他们既是超级英雄,也是凡人。

    But this time US writer and director Joss Whedon tries to deliver a more interesting and exciting storyline that allows every character to shine as a hero and as a human being .

  23. 本次全球金融危机在一定程度上源自华尔街银行家明显的贪婪。尽管危机不断加剧,但乔斯仍认为商业是一个正直的职业。

    In spite of the deepening global financial crisis , which has in part been blamed on the perceived avarice of Wall Street bankers , Prof Joss still believes business is a righteous occupation .

  24. 1970年获得斯坦福大学博士学位后,乔斯以白宫学者的身份来到华盛顿特区,任美国财政部经济政策副部长助理。

    Prof joss received his PhD from Stanford in 1970 , and went to Washington DC as a white house fellow and deputy to the Assistant Secretary for economic policy at the US Treasury Department .

  25. 正如数学家乔斯?亨利?波恩克尔所说:科学建立在事实之上,就像房子用砖砌成一样。但事实的收集不能被称作科学,就像一堆砖不能被叫作房子一样。

    As the mathematician Jules Henri Poincare said , Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks , but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house .