
  1. 他注意到两国在柏林问题上的看法非常一致。

    He noticed a very close agreement between the two countries on the Berlin problem .

  2. 麦克米伦说,同人类的毁灭相比,柏林问题在他看来,只不过是微不足道的。

    Berlin , Macmillan said , seemed to him small beer compared to the destruction of humanity .

  3. 可以肯定,如果他打算在柏林问题上挑动战争,他早就这样做了。

    Surely if he planned to go to war over Berlin , he would have done so already .

  4. 有一段时间我们讨论了柏林问题,总统一口气讲了一连串可能成为谈判立场一部分的想法。

    For a while we discussed Berlin , the President rattling off a series of ideas which might constitute part of a negotiating position .

  5. 赫鲁晓夫想要在柏林问题上抢得先机,然而,他却采取了一条最危险的方法:将核武器运入古巴。

    Khrushchev wanted a resolution to the contest over Berlin , yet he chose the most dangerous possible way to force one : via nuclear confrontation in Cuba .

  6. 之后的柏林问题的解决、两德关系以及联邦德国与其他东欧国家的关系的正常化,苏联都在其中起到了关键性的作用。

    Berlin was settled , the relations between two Germans and the Federal Germany with other Eastern European countries normalized , in which the Soviet Union had played a crucial role .

  7. 尼克松-基辛格上台后对欧洲政策进行修订,根据关联的策略,相继提出了以柏林问题的解决和确定共同均衡裁军谈判召开日期作为召开欧安会的条件。

    When Nixon-Kissinger came to power , they revised the policies towards Europe . According to the linkage theory , the U.S. government successively proposed quadripartite talks in Berlin as well as convened date of co-balanced Disarmament as the conditions of convening CSCE .

  8. 我要求在柏林谈判问题有采取更主动的行动。

    I want to take a stronger lead on Berlin negotiations .

  9. 柏林说,赔款问题在德国1990年重新统一时已经一劳永逸的解决了。

    Berlin says the issue of reparations was settled once and for all by the international treaties that cleared the way for German reunification in 1990 .

  10. 肯尼迪政府对柏林危机的政策,受到肯尼迪总统个人对冷战、欧洲局势、德国问题和柏林问题的独特认识的深刻影响。

    The policy of Kennedy Administration to the Berlin crisis was influenced by Kennedy 's personal recognitions of the Cold War , European situations , and the German problem and the Berlin problem .