
bǎi kē
  • Cupressaceae
柏科[bǎi kē]
  1. 柏科四种植物次生韧皮部的比较解剖四合木(TetraenaMongolicaMaxim)叶片的比较解剖学研究

    Comparative Anatomy of the Secondary Phloem in Four Species of Cupressaceae Comparative Anatomy Study on Leaves of Tetraena mongolica Maxim

  2. 柏科和杉科树种是在枝条顶端开花的。

    Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae produce their flowers terminally on the branches .

  3. 目的研究了柏科刺柏属植物刺柏Juniperusformosana果实的化学成分。

    Object To study the chemical constituents from the fruits of Juniperus formosana Hayata .

  4. 利用光学显微镜和体视显微镜对卷柏科Selaginellaceae中国产29种和泰国产1种植物的叶形态进行了宏观和微观观察。

    Leaf morphology of 29 Chinese species and one Thailand species of the Selaginellaceae was observed under light microscope and stereoscope .

  5. 湖北省卷柏科药用植物调查与研究

    Investigations and studies on medicinal plants from Selaginellaceae in Hubei Province

  6. 类似雪松的柏科植物。

    Any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars .

  7. 柏科分类和分布:亚科、族和属

    Taxonomy of the cupressaceae : subfamilies , tribes and genera

  8. 几种柏科植物挥发物质及抗肿瘤活性初步研究

    Volatile Constituents from the Cupressaceae Plants and Their Antitumor Activities

  9. 中国卷柏科植物的研究(Ⅲ)&3种卷柏小孢子形态的观察

    Studies on the Chinese Selaginellaceae (ⅲ)── Observations of the Microspores of Three Species of Selaginella

  10. 中国29种和泰国1种卷柏科植物的叶形态学研究及其分类学意义

    Leaf morphology of 29 Chinese and one Thailand species of the Selaginellaceae and its taxonomic significance

  11. 柏科植物雌球果发育的研究

    Female Cone Development in Cupressaceae

  12. 松柏科的树种;通常认为是独立的一科虽然近来在一些分类系统中包括在柏科中。

    Coniferous trees ; traditionally considered an independent family though recently included in Cupressaceae in some classification systems .

  13. 我们还对柏科植物雌球果的形态学特性及其可能的演化趋势进行了讨论。

    Based on these observations , a morphological interpretation and possible evolutionary trend of the Cupressaceae female reproductive structures was discussed .

  14. 北方温带柏科常绿针叶树,深色鳞状树叶,圆形球果。

    Any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones .

  15. 柏明认为科大于未来十年在研究上,将有更多建树,因此为求取更多知识,决定留在科大继续修读研究生课程。

    Pak Ming sees a bright future for HKUST in the next decade as a research powerhouse and , keen to increase his knowledge further , he is staying at the University for graduate studies .