
xǐ jù yǎn yuán
  • comedian;comedy actor;funnyman;comic
  1. 我的特邀嘉宾将是喜剧演员本·艾尔顿。

    My special guest will be comedian Ben Elton .

  2. 我真希望我是一个喜剧演员或诸如此类的人。

    I wish I were a movie comedian or something like that .

  3. 这真是个奇怪的矛盾现象——职业喜剧演员的私人生活往往并不快乐。

    It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives .

  4. 她出道时是个独角喜剧演员。

    She started out as a stand-up .

  5. 依我看,历来的喜剧演员,他是数一数二的。

    For my money , he 's one of the greatest comedians of all time .

  6. 她作为喜剧演员已经闯出了一片天地。

    She has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor

  7. 这将是大有前途的喜剧演员们让自己获得认可的节目。

    This is going to be the show where up-and-coming comedians will establish themselves

  8. 她无疑是该国最优秀的女喜剧演员。

    There 's no question she is the best comedienne in this country .

  9. 格罗丁是一位优秀的喜剧演员。

    Grodin is a fine comic actor .

  10. 他会模仿各种口音,还会讲笑话——他可以当个独角喜剧演员。

    He does all kinds of accents , he can do jokes — he could be a stand-up comic

  11. 他是名非常出色的喜剧演员。

    He is a great comic actor .

  12. 观众喝倒彩,逼得喜剧演员下了场。

    The comedian left the stage because of the catcalls of the audience .

  13. 这喜剧演员的表演糟透了。

    The comedian 's performance was the pits !

  14. 他是观众喜爱的电视喜剧演员。

    He is a popular TV comic .

  15. 他们是一群卓越的喜剧演员。

    They 're a brilliant comedy act .

  16. 西蒙是一位喜剧演员,有10年的喜剧教学经验。

    Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years ' experience of teaching comedy .

  17. 那位喜剧演员在三十年代非常走红。

    The comedian enjoyed great popularity during the 30 's.

  18. 喜剧演员的笑话把人们逗乐了。

    The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes .

  19. 近来这位三十有余的演员确认将加入英国喜剧演员詹姆斯·科登的行列,出演3D版本电影《三个火枪手》。

    Recently it was confirmed that the33-year-old actor will be joining British comedian James Corden for the3D version of The Three Musketeers .

  20. 除非你是喜剧演员路易斯?C?K(LouisC.K.),否则没人想听你长篇大论。

    Unless you 're Louis C.K. , people don 't want to hear you talk a lot .

  21. 我想是Nipseyrussell(注:已故黑人喜剧演员)说的

    I think it was Nipsy Russell .

  22. 在1977年,喜剧演员GrouchoMarx在洛杉矶逝世,享年86岁!

    In1977 , comedian Groucho Marx died in Los Angeles at age86 .

  23. 芝士牛排,BillCosby(黑人喜剧演员)

    is cheese steaks and Bill Cosby

  24. 周三上午,这名喜剧演员在Twitter上称,其最新特别节目的下载量已突破13万大关,总收入为65万美元。

    On Wednesday morning , the comedian tweeted that sales of the new special had reached 130,000 downloads , for a gross of $ 650,000 .

  25. 正如已故美国喜剧演员乔治卡林(georgecarlin)所说:人们只在过去才会衰老死亡。

    As the late George Carlin , an American comedian , noted , people used to get old and die .

  26. 怎么不叫他JoeRockhead呢?(喜剧演员)

    Why don 't you just call him Joe Rockhead ?

  27. 为该项目提供自己画作的明星还包括女演员艾玛阿特金斯、喜剧演员基思柠檬以及安萨默斯公司的CEO杰奎琳戈尔德。

    Other celebrities who have supplied their mini creations for the cause include actress Emma Atkins , comedian Keith Lemon and the CEO of Ann Summers , Jacqueline Gold .

  28. 在线服务导致了完完全全宋飞正传式(Seinfeld,美国著名喜剧演员,代表作品《宋飞正传》风靡美国9年&译注)的、肤浅的吹毛求疵。

    Online services enable a downright seinfeld-ian level of superficial nitpickiness .

  29. 赵本山,一位著名的喜剧演员,据CCTV报道,他将担任今年春晚的副总导演。

    Zhao Benshan , a well-known comedian , will be deputy general director in charge of the gala 's comedy programming , according to CCTV .

  30. 作为1994年至2004年的NBC热播剧,看见两位深受观众喜爱的情景喜剧演员拥抱在一起,粉丝们欣喜若狂。

    And fans were ecstatic to see the two beloved sitcom characters embracing as the hit NBC show ran from 1994 to 2004 .