
fā ɡāo shāo
  • have a high fever;have/run a high fever
发高烧 [fā gāo shāo]
  • [fever; suffer from a fever]原指因生病而体温增高,现在常用来比喻感情过于激动时控制不住自己而乱说乱做

  • 你今天晚上竟会为我们给赵庆恩倒一个小病房这么小的事,发这么大的高烧,说出那样难听的话

  1. 他发高烧。

    He has a high fever .

  2. 她因发高烧被送进医院。

    She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature

  3. 他开始发高烧。

    He began to run an extremely high temperature

  4. 他脑袋滚热,一定在发高烧。

    His forehead feels scalding hot ; he must be running a high fever .

  5. 发高烧是流感的一种常见症状。

    A raging temperature is a common symptom of flu .

  6. 这种疾病的典型症状是发高烧和胸痛。

    The disease typically manifests itself in a high fever and chest pains .

  7. 我发高烧。

    I 'm running a high fever .

  8. 我发高烧了。

    I 've got a raging temperature .

  9. 越快越好。我在发高烧。

    As soon as possible . I have a high fever .

  10. 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事

    During the fever he became delirious and said some strange things

  11. 他发高烧时神志不清。

    His mind wandered when he had a very high fever .

  12. 从昨天早上起,我就一直发高烧。

    I 've had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning .

  13. 迈克发高烧,在床上翻来覆去不安稳。

    Mike was thrashing about in bed with a high fever .

  14. 当然不是!她正在发高烧。

    Of course not ! She is running a high fever .

  15. 你正发高烧!她摸着他的前额说。

    You 're burning ! She said , touching his forehead .

  16. 病人:发高烧,还伴有胃痛。

    Patient : I have a high fever and upset stomachache .

  17. 我发高烧,感觉很难受。

    I have a high fever and am feeling awful .

  18. 索菲发高烧,昨晚整夜说胡话。

    Sophie had a high temperature and was delirious all last night .

  19. 给发高烧病人服用了奎宁。

    n. vi. vt. Feverish patients were dosed with quinine .

  20. 母亲因发高烧而一直卧着。

    Mother has been laid low by a high fever .

  21. 八岁那年由于发高烧。

    He suffered a high fever when he was eight .

  22. 因冒雨外出而发高烧。

    Going out in the rain brought on a fever .

  23. 她呕吐,而且发高烧。

    She was vomiting and had a very high temperature .

  24. 他咆哮至疲倦睡着[发高烧]。

    He raved himself to sleep [ into a high fever ] .

  25. 接受(入院);收治她因发高烧被送进医院。

    She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature .

  26. 哦,天哪!你在发高烧。

    Oh dear ! You have had a high fever .

  27. 他开始发高烧并且越来越虚弱

    a fever in him rose , and he was getting weaker .

  28. 杰克那时正发高烧,他妈妈给医生打了电话。

    Jack was running a high temperature and his mother phoned the doctor .

  29. 发高烧很快使他的身体衰弱下来。

    An attack of fever soon pulled him down .

  30. 他发高烧了,多久了?

    He 's burning up , how long has he been like this ?