
  • 网络spin density
  1. 自旋密度ρ、弛豫时间T1和T2定量磁共振成像

    Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of spin density ρ, relaxation times T1 and T2

  2. MX络合物中电荷密度波和自旋密度波对三次谐波产生系数的影响

    Effect of charge density wave and spin density wave on the third harmonic generation in MX complex

  3. ~(40)Ca的核子密度、动能密度、自旋密度和电荷密度的壳模型计算

    Calculations of nucleon densities , kinetic energy densities , spin densities and charge density with shell model for ~ ( 40 ) ca

  4. 2+1维BCS型超导体的相变温度与自旋密度波的关系

    The Superconducting Transition Temperature of 2 + 1 Dimensional BCS-type Superconductor in the Presence of the Spin Density Wave

  5. 有挠引力场之能动张量密度及自旋密度的再研究DeSitter时空中的真空能动张量

    Further study of energy momentum tensor density and spin density of gravitational field with torsion THE RENORMALIZED VACUUM STRESS-ENERGY TENSOR OF de SITTER SPACE-TIME

  6. 自由基自旋密度主要集聚在C2或C3上,未有较大弥散,同时也是前线MO主要布居位置和重要的反应活性部位。

    The spin density of free radical mostly concentrates on C2 or C3 and has no large diffusion . They are the key part of reactivity .

  7. 结果表明,当V增大到某一临界值时,铁磁基态变得不稳定,同时系统从自旋密度波态过渡到电荷密度波态。

    The result shows that if the intersite Coulomb interaction V is larger than a critical value , the ground state is unstable and the transition from the spin-density-wave state to the charge-density-wave state occurs .

  8. 考虑格点间的电子&电子Coulomb排斥及非最近邻电子跳跃相互作用,对具有链间耦合的准一维有机铁磁体系统的电荷密度和自旋密度的分布进行了研究。

    Considering the inter-site electron-electron Coulomb repulsion and non-nearest neighbor hopping interactions , we investigate the distribution of charge density and spin density in an interchain coupled quasi-one-dimensional organic ferromagnet .

  9. 结果表明,格点间的电子&电子Coulomb排斥相互作用将导致电荷密度和自旋密度在系统的主链不同格点及侧自由基之间转移;

    The results show that the inter-site electron & electron Coulomb repulsion leads to transfers of charge density and spin density between different sites on the main chain and side radicals .

  10. 从总能量、配体场分裂、迁移自旋密度数据和π键形成的强度确定它应是属于Th点群。

    From the data of total energy , Ligand-field splitting , transferred spin density and strength of π donor-bond , it is found that the geometry of Mn ( H_2O ) _6 ~ ( 2 + ) should belong to T_h point group .

  11. 方法利用最基本的磁共振参数,自旋密度ρ、弛豫时间T1、T2以及临床自旋回波序列、线性回归拟合方法得到定量maps,以探索所执行的路线。

    Methods Using the basic MRI parameters such as spin density ρ, relaxation time T2 and T1 , and the common clinic SE sequences and LR fitting method , quantitative maps were obtained , and the feasibility of pathway was described .

  12. 基于考虑链间耦合的准一维有机铁磁体的理论模型,对存在于系统内的电荷密度波(CDW)和自旋密度波(SDW)进行了研究。

    Based on a theoretical model for interchain coupled quasi-one-dimensional organic ferromagnet , the charge density wave ( CDW ) and spin density wave ( SDW ) that exist in the system are investigated .

  13. 极化中子衍射及在电子自旋密度研究中的应用

    Polarized neutron diffraction and its application to spin density studies

  14. 密度泛函理论方法研究稀土-过渡金属化合物的磁性和自旋密度图

    Magnetic Properties and Spin Density Maps for Rare Earth-Transition Metal Complexes : A Density Functional Study

  15. 自旋密度波对有次近邻互作用超导体的影响

    The Effect of Spin Density Wave on 2 + 1 Dimensional BCS-type Superconductors with the Next Nearest Neighbor Interaction

  16. 掺杂能激发电荷密度波,从而削弱了自旋密度波,最终不利于铁磁态的稳定。

    Doping can excite a charge density wave weakening the spin density wave against the stability of the ferromagnetic state .

  17. 自旋密度分布表明,两相中自旋极化效应和自旋离域效应相互作用的结果导致体系表现为反铁磁相互作用。

    The analysis of the spin density distribution reveals that both the spin polarization and spin delocalization contribute to the antiferromagnetic interaction .

  18. 同时,非周期赫伯德模型与均匀赫伯德模型也不同,在均匀赫伯德模型中只有自旋密度波,不存在电荷密度波。

    But nonperiodic Hubbard model are different from an uniform model , there is no charge density wave state in uniform model .

  19. 引进一个有限羣,其元素乃是分布于一个磁原胞内的空间羣的元素。该羣的对称元素作用于次晶格的自旋密度上,使热力势保持不变。

    A finite group , formed of those elements of the space group which are distributed within a magnetic unit cell , is introduced .

  20. 研究结果表明,由于单菱形结构拓扑的影响,围绕着菱形结构单元会出现一个自旋密度正负交替变化的自旋极化云。

    Our research results show that there exists sign-alternating spin polarization cloud around the single lozenge block owing to the effect of this lozenge topology .

  21. 计算还给出了相应的电荷布居、自旋密度、电偶极矩和能量特征。

    The charge populations , spin densities and dipole moments of PuO molecule to the different RECPs and calculation levels have also been tabled out .

  22. 更进一步的研究表明,催化剂金属中心及氧原子所携带的自旋密度与催化剂的活性具有很好的相关性。

    Further research revealed that there had a good linear relation between the spin densities carried by the metal / 0 and the reactivity of the catalysts .

  23. 之前,这方面的理论工作主要集中于对磁性分子磁性机制的理解,包括对电子&电子关联,自旋密度波以及边界效应的研究。

    Previous studies focused on the exploitation of magnetic mechanism as well as effects of electron-electron correlation and boundary conditions on spin density wave in such material .

  24. 此外,对系统中的电荷密度和自旋密度分布受非最近邻电子跳跃相互作用和电-声耦合的影响情况亦进行了讨论。

    Moreover , the influences of the non-nearest neighbor hopping interactions and electron-phonon coupling on the distribution of the charge density and spin density are also discussed .

  25. 以优化构型为基础计算其电荷密度、自旋密度、键序和电子光谱。

    On the basis of optimized geometries , the charge densities , spin density , bond orders and electronic spectra of above molecule and cation have been calculated .

  26. 在散射理论的框架下,利用自旋密度矩阵推导出沿自旋量子化坐标的自旋极化率表达式,并推导了自旋分辨电流和自旋分辨散粒噪声的表达式。

    With the frame of scattering theory , spin-density matrix is used to deduce the expression of spin polarization , and the formulas of spin-resolved current and spin-resolved shot noise are obtained .

  27. O3-NO2体系的硝化反应中,产生了游离的芳烃正离子自由基(ArH~+),其产物分布决定于ArH~+上的自旋密度分布。

    If the nitrating agent is the O3 - NO2 system , free aromatic cationic radicals would be formed and the spin density of each carbon atom is the determining factor of product distribution .

  28. 对反铁磁基态费米表面的研究发现在布里渊区中四点产生了费米表面的嵌套现象,这几点超导能隙增大,证实自旋密度波的存在。

    Recent work on the Fermi surface has shown that nesting occurs at four points in the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone where spin waves exist and that the superconducting energy gap is larger at these points .

  29. 采用杂化密度泛函方法和哈垂-福克方法对CaCuO2的电荷与自旋密度的分布进行了研究.CuO2层的电子结构具有明显的二维特征。

    The Hartree Fock method and the hybrid density functional method were used to study the charge and spin density of CaCuO_2 . The significant two dimensional character of the electronic structure of the CuO_2 plane was observed .

  30. 通过对比自旋密度泛函理论和密度矩阵重整化群方法对基态性质的计算结果可以得到:当相互作用不是很强时,自旋密度泛函理论可以方便快捷地给出令人满意的计算结果。

    Comparing the numerical results of the spin-density-functional theory with those of density-matrix renormalization group , we conclude that , when the interaction is not very strong , we can get the satisfactory results easily by the spin-density-functional theory .