
zì xuán bō li
  • spin glass
  1. 重入自旋玻璃尖晶石系统CoxZn(1-x)(FeyCr(1-y))2O4中的微波磁共振

    Microwave magnetic resonance in reentrant spin glass spinel co_xzn_ ( 1-x )( fe_ycr_1-y ) _2o_4

  2. 相分离Nd(0·5)Ca(0·5)MnO3体系的再入型自旋玻璃行为和电荷有序

    Reentering spin glass behavior and charge ordering in phase separation Nd_ ( 0 · 5 ) Ca_ ( 0 · 5 ) MnO_3 system

  3. 测定了样品的自旋玻璃冻结温度Tf。

    The spin freezing temperatures , Tf , in these alloys have been measured .

  4. 关于自旋玻璃EA模型的一些讨论

    A few discussions about the EA model of spin glasses

  5. Zn(1-x)MnxSe的低温磁化率和自旋玻璃现象

    Magnetic susceptibility and the spin-glass transition of zn_ ( 1-x ) mn_x se at low temperatures

  6. 自旋玻璃的重入行为及CoxZn(1-x)(FeyCr(1-y))2O4尖晶石系统的磁相图

    Reentrant behaviour of spin glass and the magnetic phase diagram of a spinel system co_xzn_1-x ( fe_y-cr_1-v ) _2o_4

  7. 随温度的降低样品表现出从顺磁(PM)到铁磁(FM)及自旋玻璃态(SG)等复杂的磁相变行为。

    With the temperature decreasing , the system undergoes a transition from paramagnetic ( PM ) to ferromagnetic ( FM ) and further to spin-glass ( SG ) .

  8. 利用Core-Shell模型以及自旋玻璃相的存在对观察到的时效行为及拟合结果进行了解释。

    Based on a Core-Shell model and the existence of spin-glass phase at the grain boundaries , we explained the observed resistance aging result and why our sample follows the stretched exponential law .

  9. 量子海森堡自旋玻璃的Almeida-Thouless不稳定性

    Almeida-Thouless ( AT ) Instability in Quantum Heisenberg Spin Glass

  10. 交流磁化率测量表明Nd60Al10Fe20Co10BMG中存在自旋玻璃的冻结,冻结温度在18K左右,而相应的晶态的样品中却没有;

    AC magnetic susceptibility of the Nd_60Al_10Fe_20Co_10 alloys was measured , and it is found that the spin is frozen at about 18 K in the glassy alloy while there is no spin glass state in the crystallized alloy .

  11. 三维量子自旋玻璃理论(Ⅲ)&replica对称破缺解

    Three-dimensional quantum spin glass theory (ⅲ) ── replica symmetry breaking solution

  12. 自旋玻璃基态问题研究

    Study on the Ground States of Spin Glass

  13. 具有混合各向异性的量子自旋玻璃模型

    Quantum Spin-glass Model with Mixed Anisotropic Interactions

  14. 不对称神经网络的自旋玻璃模型和相变温度

    A Spin-glass Model of Asymmetrical Between Pre-and Post - Synapse Neural Network and Transition Temperature

  15. 自旋玻璃系统的量子输运方程

    Quantum transport equation for spin glass systems

  16. 自旋玻璃材料的磁性质受到无序和阻挫的强烈影响。

    Spin glasses are materials whose magnetic properties are strongly influenced by disorder and frustration .

  17. 本文研究RKKY+DM自旋玻璃的宏观各向异性。

    In this paper the macroscopic anisotropy in RKKY + DM spin glasses is investigated .

  18. 一个无序自旋玻璃系统可能有许许多多能量最小态或基态构型。

    Order , disorder and chaos ; A spin glass system may have many configurations of the same ground-state energy .

  19. 低温下始终出现自旋玻璃或团簇玻璃行为,说明存在反铁磁与铁磁的相互竞争。

    All the compounds are spin-glass or cluster-glass phase below a certain temperature due to the competition between the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic correlations .

  20. 并用自旋玻璃态及颗粒超导中的一些理论来论证高温超导体中的新的玻璃态行为。

    Theories similar to that of spin-glass theory and granular superconductivity are used in explaining the new glassy behavior recently found in high Tc superconductor .

  21. 在样品中观察到了表面相分离现象,纳米颗粒表面出现了铁磁相和类自旋玻璃相,且体系中存在明显的交换偏置现象。

    With the appearance of FM phase and spin glass like phase on the surface of nanoparticles , surface phase separation and the exchange bias effect were found in the samples .

  22. 自上个世纪70年代以来,自旋玻璃态的奇异特性激发了人们对铁磁/反铁磁混合磁性系统的研究兴趣。

    The studies of spin glasses began in the 1970 's , and now there are great interests in the study of properties of ferromagnetic ( FM ) and anti ferromagnetic ( AFM ) mixed magnetic system .

  23. 由于目前的理论方法和实验手段主要局限于材料平衡态的研究,因此根源于非平衡态的自旋玻璃行为及其相关材料的磁性特征就很难被全面、准确、定量地表达。

    Given that the present theoretical and experimental methods are mainly confined to the study of equilibrium state in materials , it is quite difficult to comprehensively , accurately and quantitatively elucidate the spin-glass behaviors and other related magnetic characteristics in materials .

  24. 长期以来,材料中的自旋玻璃行为是材料物理和凝聚态物理的研究热点和难点,并在磁性材料的应用领域中占据着重要的地位。

    For a long time , the spin-glass behaviors in materials has been the research hotspots and big hurdles with regard to the materials physics and condensed matter physics . Also , the spin-glass behaviors play a pivotal role on the applications of magnetic materials .

  25. 导致在Tc上、下温区磁化机制的改变可能是与铁薄膜及其氧化层中的无序自旋在低温时出现类自旋玻璃态密切相关。

    The change of the magnetic mechanism in the temperature regions above and below T_c may be related to the spin-glass-like phase below freezing temperature in the Fe film and its oxide layer .

  26. 在无规的自旋体系中,阻挫和无规的合作会产生自旋玻璃态。

    In a random spin system , the cooperation of randomness and frustration will lead to aspin-glass phase .