
  • 网络thermal disturbance;thermal fluctuation;thermal perturbation;thermal agitation
  1. 热扰动对过冷熔体中二次枝晶生长影响的相场法模拟

    A phase-field simulation on the influence of thermal fluctuation on secondary branch growth in undercooled melt

  2. 在对整个系统的自旋能量求极小的过程中,我们完全考虑了自旋方向在低温时的热扰动。

    In order to obtain the minimum energy of spins , we completely consider the thermal fluctuation of rotated spins at low temperature .

  3. 热扰动幅值Fu对温度场的影响明显,当Fu取值适当时,热噪声可以引发侧向分支,但是不影响尖端的稳态行为。

    The magnitude of thermal noise influence temperature field obviously , when appropriate value is assigned to Fu , noise can enhance the emergence of side-branching but does not influence the tip operating state .

  4. 估计对黑云母的原始K-Ar同位素体系产生破坏的热扰动临界温度可能在200℃左右。

    The critical temperature for heating to break the original K-Ar isotope system was estimated to be about 200 ℃ .

  5. Rb-Sr矿物等时线年龄为218±11Ma,可能为晚古生代至早中生代基性岩浆侵入的热扰动改造年龄。

    The Rb-Sr mineral isochron of 218 ± 11Ma might be a thermal event age disturbed by the Late Permian-Triassic intrusion mass of stratified gabbro .

  6. 最后,我们研究了热扰动在粘滞宇宙中的情况。

    Then we investigate the thermal fluctuations in a viscous universe .

  7. 航空发动机防喘控制系统设计和热扰动参数研究

    Design of Anti-Surge Control System and Research on Heat Disturbance Parameters for Aeroengine

  8. 热扰动是由安装在发动机进口前的氢燃烧温度畸变发生器产生的。

    A temperature distortion generator burning hydrogen in front of engine inlet produces thermal disturbance .

  9. 热扰动半径;

    The thermal disturbance radius ;

  10. 热扰动振幅主要影响二次枝晶幅值,而对二次枝晶间距影响较弱。

    Thermal fluctuations show strong influence on the amplitude of the secondary branch , however show less influence on the secondary branch spacing .

  11. 根据大气层结稳定度,选择不同的热扰动强度,可使空报次数明显减少,预报准确率提高到69.3%。

    According to the atmospheric layer stability , different heat disturbance indensity was selected , the hail forecast correct rate increase to 69.3 % .

  12. 发现受拉时,单根纤维的微小热扰动对纤维束整体拉伸刚度有着很大的影响,体现为很强的非线性超弹性性质。

    Through these calculation , we find the tiny fluctuation of single fiber have great impact on stretching stiffness of F-actin bundle which reflect strong nonlinear hyper-elastic properties .

  13. 因此,选择合理的施工季节、施工方法和采取必要的施工措施,是减少施工对多年冻土热扰动的必要措施。

    So , to select a reasonable work season and construction method , and to adopt some compulsory engineering techniques are necessary for reducing heat disturbance in the permafrost regions .

  14. 我们发现,由于粘滞性的存在,各种热扰动模在穿越视界以后的演化行为将与理想流体时的情况很不一样。

    We find that due to the effect of viscosity , modes of thermal fluctuations have a very different behavor comparing with the ideal fluid case after corssing the horizon .

  15. 研究结果表明,为不对冻土造成较大热扰动,保温层厚度应采用控制保温管外表面温度的计算方法。

    Findings show that , for be in the wrong frozen soil wrought in favor of thermal disturbance , insulating layer thickness respond adopt dam insulating pipe hull skin temperature ' calculation procedure .

  16. 通过调节界面耦合的自旋相关性,可改变自旋极化率的大小和方向。3.4外界热扰动的存在会使侧基自旋取向偏离基态一定角度。

    By adjusting the interfacial coupling , both the magnitude and spin direction of the spin polarization may be changed . 3.4 Effect of thermal fluctuation of radical spins on spin polarization is investigated .

  17. 热扰动幅值α对界面形态也有重要影响,当α取值适当时,便引发侧向分支,形成胞状枝晶;

    The amplitude of the fluctuation a has an important effect on interface morphology , when appropriate value is assigned to a , noise can enhance the emergence of side-branches , and form cellular dendrites , the tip velocity must be influenced at the same time ;

  18. 本文从MHD方程组出发,在不同的初态日冕中,数值模拟了日冕底部新磁通量喷发和热压力扰动两种驱动机制的日冕响应。

    In different initial corona , this paper simulates the coronal response to new magnetic flux eruption and thermal energy release at the coronal base .

  19. Benard热对流扰动不稳定激发的空间耗散结构解

    The spacial dissipative structure solutions excited by unstable disturbance of Benard thermal convection

  20. 加强炉内的热回流和湍流扰动,构建稳定的着火区域;

    Enhance heat circumfluence and turbulent perturbation to found a steady igniting area ;