- subculture

They have four features : kanji words in large numbers , novelty in meaning , influence of ACG Subculture and localization tendency .
They are involved in the subculture of90 's youth complete with drugs , live music , and homophobia .
After China 's entry of WTO , with the intensification of education competition , the idea of internationalization of universities emerge as the times require .
I think this is a jolt to the culture , which is really needed , said George F. Colony , the chief executive of Forrester Research , a technology research firm .
In a note explaining their reasoning , Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal said that the actions of silence breakers had " unleashed one of the highest-velocity shifts in our culture since the 1960s . "
Eventually [ Chinese ] travellers will visit Paris to go on a cultural tour through the Louvre or do a class to learn how to make chocolate instead of just heading straight to the Louis Vuitton store to buy a bag .
The film contains many references to cyberpunk and hacker subcultures .
So that little display was just a culture clash ?
Knowledge - centered values is the depth cultural motivity ;
The Twice Cultural Manifestoes and Logical Development of Cultural Strategy
On Significance and Ways of Business Deep Cultural Construction Discussion on Cultural Business
Under this new historic condition , the cultural currents were also changed .
The first great culture party after sars !
On One Cultural Upsurge in Jinhua History
China society of the beginning of 20 century was filled with appealing for cultural transformation .
Youth subculture , also called inferior culture , is the vague concept compared about the main culture .
For thousands of managers who have ascended by being excellent administrators and delivering growth , this is culture shock .
Nazi-Skinheads are a right wing subculture that developed in the United Kingdom in the first half of the eighties .
Alba also chronicled some of the horrors of country living such as the time she found the grasshopper on her toilet .
Human beings need a transformation of the culture , from the modern culture based on greed to that based on wisdom .
So it is feasible to map out the cultural strategy of developing the community 's cultural resources and forward its all-round development .
When the Forbidden City was transformed into the Palace Museum , the royal culture was also changed into the culture of museum .
Thus , East Asia Chinese-character cultural circle gradually formed with Confucianism as its core and the Chinese character as one of its main features .
Confucianism is deemed a great invention of human thoughts in the first cultural axis period . The foothold of Confucian social ideal is harmony .
But what remains unchanged from those times are the underlying cultural conflicts between Protestants and Catholics , North and south , Britain versus the continent .
The emergence of films and television brought about a cultural transformation in the 20th century , i.e. , from the written media culture to optical culture .
The transition of deep-level culture as a whole leads to a massive change of individual existing style and the social modernization stimulates the individual consciousness of existence .
It channeled cultural exchanges between the north and the south in the peaks of two cultural flourishes in history , forming a strikingly open and melting spirit .
Confucius , the representative of the second cultural prosperity in the Chinese history of culture makes up the core of the Yu Culture with humanism & humanity .
Specifically , if we feel that a cultural change is needed in our organization , is a technological change a good strategy by which to initiate the change ?