
  • 网络secondary structure
  1. 在组织培养条件下长出的不定根内部解剖构造为典型的初生构造,移栽后68d出现次生构造。

    The structure of the adventitious roots induced under the conditions of tissue culture was a typical primary structure and the secondary structure appeared for the first time 68 days after their transplanting .

  2. 根的皮层细胞从初生构造到次生构造只是体积长大,无数量增加;

    From primary structure to secondary structure of the root the number of cortical cells remains the same only their size increases .

  3. 结果:光果葶苈的根部有次生构造,木质部射线较韧皮部射线宽广;

    Results : The results showed that there were secondary structure in the root , and xylem ray were wider than phloem ray .

  4. 结果表明:桤木茎的次生构造从外至内由周皮、皮层和次生维管组织3部分组成。

    The results show that the secondary structure of alder stems were composed of three parts from periphery to center on the cross section , e.

  5. 小秦岭地体中的褶皱包括露头褶皱和宏观褶皱,组成褶皱的面理为次生构造面理。

    The fold in the Xiaoqinling terrane included the outcrop fold and macrofold , and the foliation formed by the fold was the secondary structural foliation .

  6. 结论南方红豆杉根的次生构造与其他裸子植物和双子叶植物一致,但次生木质部由管胞,次生韧皮部由筛胞组成。

    Conclusions The secondary structure of the root of Taxus chinensis var. mairei accords with that of other gymnosperms and dicotyledons , although its secondary xylem is constituted with tracheids and sieve cells .

  7. 结果表明,金纽扣的显微结构鉴别特征为:根部次生构造不发达,皮层裂隙较多,维管束辐射型,根横切面观细胞壁普遍较厚;

    The results showed that secondary structure of root was undeveloped , there were mass crannies in cortex , vascular bundle were radial pollens were seen , cell wall showed a little thick in common ;

  8. 通过宁夏香山南麓严重缺水区寻找地下水方法研究,总结出干旱区碳酸盐岩区主干断裂间的次生构造具有较强的富水性;

    Through the study on the method to find groundwater in the arid area of South Xiangshan Mountain of Ningxia , it is concluded that there is abundant groundwater in the Cambrian limestone and the Jurassic sandstone .

  9. 本文从地质学角度,通过对碴瓦莫拉矿床矿石和岩石原生构造,次生构造以及热液物质与矿化关系等大量野外观察资料的研究,为同生沉积说提供了地质依据。

    From geological point of view , through the studies of a large quantity of field observations on the relationship between primary / secondary tectonic features of ore / hostrock , hydrothermal substances and mineralisation , the paper provides some evidences to ' synsedimentary theory ' .

  10. 珙桐与喜树茎次生木质部解剖构造的比较

    Comparison on the Anatomical Structure of Secondary Xylem in Stem Between Davidia involucrata and Camptotheca acuminata

  11. 指出,砾岩的储集空间为原生砾间孔、砾间洞、粒间缝、次生溶蚀孔和构造缝。

    It is pointed out that reservoir space of conglomerate is composed of primary intergranular pore , hole and fracture , secondary denudation pore and structural fracture .