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  1. n级倒立摆系统建模倒立摆系统的线性二次型状态反馈控制

    Modeling of n - order inverted pendulum LQR Control of Pendulum System

  2. R有源双二次型标准部件的设计

    Design of Standard Parts of R Active Order Twice Type

  3. 线性采样系统二次型最优控制器的MATLAB实现

    Applying MATLAB to Design of Linear Quadratic Optimal Controller of Sampling Systems

  4. 然后采用时域受限二次型目标函数寻优PID参数。

    Using a constrained quadratic objective function in time domain , the PID parameters are optimized .

  5. 本算法无需首先确定二次型性能指标中的加权阵Q,R。

    In the algorithm the weighted matrix Q , R need not be determined first .

  6. 讨论了线性二次型Gauss系统加权系数对系统的影响。

    Discussed the linear two Gauss system weighting coefficient to the system the influence .

  7. 阐述对偶量区段分析法在线性二次型最优控制问题、Kalman滤波问题中的应用。

    The applications of analysis methods of dual variables interval in linear quadratic optimal control and Kalman filtering are accounted .

  8. 利用MATLAB仿真工具,对线性二次型最优控制方法进行了研究,将之应用于双闭环直流调速系统的设计中,并给出了最优的速度环动态设计方法。

    With the help of MATLAB simulation tool , a linear quadratic optimal control method is used to design a double-loop DC speed-regulating system .

  9. 文中提出了一种平方根线性二次型最优控制算法,并将其映射到并行专用结构&脉动阵列(systolicarray)上。

    A new square-root formation of linear quadratic optimal control algorithm is proposed , and the algorithm is mapped to parallel architecture-systolic array .

  10. 位置定位系统DMC中二次型线性控制

    The Linear Control with Quadratic Performance Indices of the Dual-Mode Control in a Positioning System

  11. 提出一种新的类Lorenz系统,它具有三维二次型的自治常微分方程组形式。

    This article introduced a new Lorenz-like system of three-dimensional quadratic autonomous ordinary differential equations .

  12. 最小二次型(LQ)控制器的工程化最优设计

    An Optimal Engineering Design for Linear Least Quadratic Regulator s

  13. 仿真试验表明,应用Boltzmann机可实现任意时变多变量系统的线性二次型动态优化控制。

    Emulation experiment shows boltzmann machines can implement linear quadratic optimal control of any multivariable time-variant system .

  14. 从Hamilton系统角度,探讨了线性二次型微分对策系统的辛性质;

    From the point of view of Hamilton system , the symplectic characters of linear quadratic differential game were probed ;

  15. 研究了常规PID控制、线性二次型最优控制与智能控制方法对转向控制的差别。

    The steering control differences among the general PID controller , linear quadratic regulator ( LQR ) optimization controller and the intelligence controller are also studied in this paper .

  16. 在此基础上,采用分段二次型Lyapunov函数分析此类混杂系统局部鲁棒渐近稳定的充分性条件。

    Furthermore , using the method of piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function , the sufficient conditions of this system for local asymptotic stability are derived .

  17. 研究了用于柔性机械臂振动控制的线性二次型最优控制和基于积分分离的PID控制算法;

    This pares the way for an integrative process to suppress transient vibration and obtain precise target tracking by using linear quadratic optimal control and integration separation PID control algorithm respectively .

  18. 评价爆炸超压作用的一个新指标及其在一次型FAE中的应用

    New parameter for evaluating explosion pressure effects and its use in directly ignited FAE

  19. 在仿真计算中,首次将压缩映射遗传算法应用到了搜索TH神经网络的平衡点(二次型的最优值)上。

    Finally the paper applies the contractive mapping genetic algorithm to search the equilibrium point of TH neural network in a quadratic programming computing for the first time .

  20. 控制律采用线性二次型高斯(LQG)方法,结合平衡截断法降阶。

    The controllers are designed by linear quadratic Gaussian ( LQG ) method truncated by a balanced truncation method .

  21. 对色噪声背景下LFM信号(线性调频信号)进行了分析,提出了一种基于二次型变换的互谱ESPRIT方法。

    By analyzing the LFM signal in colored noise , a cross-spectral ESPRIT method based on quadratic form transformation was proposed .

  22. 采用4阶线性二次型高斯(LQG)离散控制模型,在自适应桁架实验平台上进行了振动抑制实验。

    Also , the vibration control experiment is conducted with 4-order LQG discrete control model on test bed of adaptive truss .

  23. 本文运用线形二次型(LQ)最优控制方法,利用MATLAB语言对CPT平面荫罩振动系统进行了最优控制器的设计,并对控制器参数进行了优化分析。

    This article describes the optimum control of vibration system of the CPT with linear quadratic by MATLAB , and the analysis of optimum parameter of controller .

  24. 作为尝试,对无限期间线性二次型微分对策的计算引入SymplecticRungeKutta算法。

    And as a try , Symplectic-Runge-Kutta algorithm was inducted to the resolution of infinite horizon linear quadratic differential game .

  25. 然后采取线性二次型最优控制理论设计LQR控制器,将倒立摆稳定在平衡位置。

    And then , a LQR controller based on Linear Quadratic Optimal control theory is developed to keep the inverted pendulum stabilized .

  26. 线性二次型最优调节器及线性二次型高斯问题,通称LQ问题,是最优控制在民用工业中应用最广的算法。

    LQ ( LQR & LQG ) is the most widely used algorithm of an optimal control theory applied to industrial control .

  27. 在假设存在一个二次型控制Lyapunov函数的前提下,明确给出了使得这类系统的零解全局渐近稳定的反馈控制律。

    Under the assumption that there exists a quadratic control Lyapunov function , a feedback control law was provided explicitly which renders the origin of this class of systems globally asymptotically stable .

  28. 第三章首先概括的介绍了二次型内稳最优控制理论原理,并对原理中应用的Kalman滤波器进行解释,同时分析了Kalman滤波器稳定性问题。

    The chapter 3 focus on the algorithm of optimal control of linearity quadratic with the internal stability . In the detail , it introduces the principle of the Kalman filter and analyze its stability .

  29. 接下来主要研究了基于垂直陀螺和GPS,以及基于三轴角速率陀螺和GPS两种传感器配置情形的最简控制技术,并将线性二次型LQ技术运用到最简控制的控制律设计中。

    Two kinds of cases are studied : the vertical gyroscope and GPS are equipped ; the angle velocity gyroscope and GPS are equipped . The minimum-sensors control system is studied separately for the cases .

  30. 将神经元与传统的线性二次型最优控制(LQR)相结合,得到又一种新型的神经元控制方法&状态反馈神经元控制。

    By combining neuron control with linear quadratic optimal control ( LQR ), another novel neuron control named the state feedback neuron control is presented .