
  • 网络Blue Giant;giant blue star
  1. 有着与众不同的中心恒星环,旋臂上还点缀着大量炽热的年轻恒星组成的蓝巨星簇,NGC1097就成为绝佳的观测目标。

    With this distinctive central star-forming ring , and the addition of numerous bluish clusters of hot , young stars dotted through its spiral arms , NGC1097 makes a stunning visual object .

  2. 实际上,在勾魂的望远镜图像中,女巫好像紧盯着猎户座的蓝超巨星参宿七。

    In fact , this entrancing telescopic portrait gives the impression the witch has fixed her gaze on Orion 's bright supergiant star Rigel .