
  • 网络galactic disk;Disc;disk of galaxy
  1. 星系盘厚度效应的研究

    The Thickness Effect of Galactic Disk

  2. 银河系星系盘的直径约为1.4万光年。

    The disk boasts a diameter of about 14000 light years .

  3. 晚型旋涡星系盘的颜色梯度

    Color Gradients in the Disks of Late-type Spiral Galaxies

  4. 这些结论为晚型星系盘的形成和演化模型提供了进一步的约束。

    These conclusions provide farther constrains to the formation and evolution model of disk of spiral galaxies .

  5. 这张地图显示,银河系的星系盘远非平面状,而明显是弯曲的,且各处厚度不一,距离星系中心越远处越厚。

    The map showed that the galaxy 's disk , far from flat , is significantly warped and varies in thickness from place to place , with increasing thickness measured further from the galactic center .

  6. 天文学家通过追踪遍布银河系的数千颗大的脉动变星,绘制出了迄今为止最精确的银河系地图。从地图上看,由无数恒星组成的星系盘并非扁平,而很明显是弯曲的、扭曲的。

    Astronomers have created the most precise map to date of the Milky Way by tracking thousands of big pulsating stars spread throughout the galaxy , demonstrating that its disk of myriad stars is not flat but dramatically warped and twisted in shape .

  7. 研究人员于上周四公布了一张银河系的三维地图,其中包括太阳在内共有1000多亿颗恒星。这张地图全面展示了银河系结构:由四个大的螺旋型枝节和一个条状的核心区域组成的星系盘。

    The researchers on Thursday unveiled a three-dimensional map of the Milky Way - home to more than 100 billion stars including our sun - providing a comprehensive chart of its structure : a stellar disk comprised of four major spiral arms and a bar-shaped core region .

  8. 晚型旋涡星系及其盘的颜色星等关系清晨型与夜晚型评定量表的信度与效度

    The Color-Magnitude Relation of Late-Type Galaxies and their Disks

  9. 三维盘状星系的星系盘物质分布模型

    The Model of Whole Disk of Three Dimensional Disk Galaxies

  10. 它的强大引力吸引周围的以太和星体向其垮塌形成星系的旋转的盘状结构。

    Its strong gravitation attracts the surrounding ether and planets to collapse toward it , creating the disc-shaped structure of a galaxy .

  11. 简要地评述了活动星系核中吸积盘与喷流存在内在联系的观测证据,及中央黑洞与活动星系核的射电辐射特征的关系。

    The observational evidence on the disk-jet connection in active galactic nuclei and the correlation between the central black holes and their radio properties are summarized .

  12. 科学家认为此过程解释了为什麽在年轻恒星周围会形成原生行星盘,或许也能解释在星系中心,气体盘如何与黑洞结合。

    Scientists believe this process explains how protoplanetary disks form around young stars and perhaps how gas disks coalesce around black holes at the centers of galaxies .

  13. 用一个星系相互作用数值模拟的综合三体模型,研究椭圆星系是否由盘星系合并而成。

    Perfect three-body model is used in the numerical simulation of interacting galaxies for studying whether merging disk galaxies make elliptical galaxy .