
xīng pán
  • astrolabe;astrolabium
星盘[xīng pán]
  1. 海洋考古学家说这个物体是一个“星盘”,海员在航行中用它测量太阳的高度,以确定所在位置。

    It confirms that this is an astrolabe - an instrument used by mariners5 to measure the height of the sun above the horizon , enabling them to navigate6 the seas .

  2. 该杂志的网站“TheBeaver”正在吸引(只是暂时的吸引)一些对萨缪尔•德•尚普兰的星盘或大草原上的定居者以什么为早餐毫无兴趣的访问者。

    The Beaver website was attracting ( albeit briefly ) readers who had little interest in Samuel de Champlain 's astrolabe or what prairie settlers ate for breakfast .

  3. 这是哈勃望远镜拍摄到的猎户星云中的原行星盘(proplyds,protoplanetarydisks)。

    A Hubble Space Telescope image shows " proplyds ," or protoplanetary disks , in the Orion Nebula .

  4. 在Morin看来,上升点是占星中单体重要性最大的因素,可以解释星盘整体涵义的80%。

    According to Morin , the Ascendant is the single most important component of a horoscope , making up80 percent of the chart 's meaning .

  5. 这张美丽的多波段的图片拍摄的是银河系M82的星光,恒星们发出的可见光在照片显示为黄绿色,让我们看到了一个很普通的银河系星盘。

    In this beautiful multiwavelength view of the starburst galaxy M82 , optical light from stars , pictured in yellow-green , reveals the disk of an apparently normal galaxy .

  6. 五月末的星盘十分活跃。

    The end of May brings a highly active cosmic picture !

  7. 星盘带领你走向新的方向,冒险新的事物。

    This chart energy will lead you towards new directions & adventures .

  8. 这看起来分明就像片头里旋转的星盘。

    It looks exactly like the spinning astrolabe from the opening credits .

  9. 性质虽然是相同的,只是其星盘力量比较弱。

    The quality is the same , but the chart is weakened .

  10. 只有系统地对星盘进行分析,才能获知各种信息。

    Everything can be measured as you go through the horoscope systematically .

  11. 你的星盘显示,你所付出的努力必须得到相应的回报。

    Your chart indicates you need to be fairly compensated for your efforts .

  12. 可依容器之大小,更换星盘,操作简单。

    The star tray can be regulated easily according to the container size .

  13. 你的星盘里有狮子座吗?你觉得狮子座的能量舒服吗?

    Where do you have Leo ? Are you comfortable with Leo energy ?

  14. 在我看来,这些星盘提供了关系解读中缺失的部分。

    In my opinion , these horoscopes supply the missing piece to relationship readings .

  15. 看看你自己的星盘。

    Take a look at your own chart .

  16. 无论如何,让我们先集中精力于拥有独一无二的“身体和灵魂”概念的星盘中去。

    However , let us concentrate on the charts that have a unique'body and soul'structure .

  17. 磁场、粘性和非轴对称性对原行星盘引力不稳定性的影响

    Effects of Magnetic Fields , Viscosity , and Nonaxisymmetry on Gravitational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks

  18. 太阳仍处你星盘正中,别人会注意到你的。

    The Sun continues to be in high noon in your chart making others notice you .

  19. 任何在你星盘中显示出的冲动行事的倾向,将会此相位的受到克制而调和。

    Any tendency shown elsewhere in your chart to act on impulse is tempered with restraint .

  20. 同时,对另一半和密友要有耐心,火星在天平座星盘的对面哦。

    Meanwhile , be extra patient with partners and close friends because Mars is opposite you .

  21. 根据满月落在你星盘的位置,每次满月都有一个独特的影响。

    Each Full Moon has a unique flavour depending on where it lands in your chart .

  22. 例如,灵魂在一个国家的星盘中将如何体现?

    For example , what would the soul in a chart of a country be like ?

  23. 海员们还可使用星盘这种仪器确定纬度。

    Mariners were also able to fix their latitude , by using an instrument called an astrolabe .

  24. 太阳处于双子座星盘,你能力加强,自信,充满激情。

    With the Sun in your sign , you 're empowered , confident and enthusiastic about life .

  25. 而今在你星盘的重要位置上有一颗梦幻的星星,也有一颗务实的。

    There is a star to your fantasies , however , and a realistic one , too .

  26. 当它行经我们每个人的星盘,它都会迫使我们抛弃僵化的模式。

    As it moves through our personal charts it forces us to let go of rigid patterns .

  27. 你星盘上所有能量都聚集到你关于荣誉和事业成就的宫位了。

    All the energy in your chart is moving to your house of honors and career achievement .

  28. 一些学者认为,这个星盘是奥马尔王子与一位无名金属制造工匠共同制作的。

    Some scholars believe that this astrolabe was created by the prince in collaboration with an unnamed metalworker .

  29. 我不能看到你星盘的全部行星,所以我必须小心预测。

    I cannot see all your planets in your natal chart , so we have to proceed carefully .

  30. 你的星盘上写满了旅行,肯定会有机会出去旅行。

    Travel is written all over your chart , so you won 't lack opportunity , for sure !