- supergiant

In fact , this entrancing telescopic portrait gives the impression the witch has fixed her gaze on Orion 's bright supergiant star Rigel .
So far as I know , this is the first successful analysis of the LBI observations on the maser sources of the red supergiant .
Active binaries and dMe stars ( RS CVn stars ; dMe stars ; Algol ; cataclysmic variables ; W UMa stars ; active supergiants );
The binary-technique is the line profile analysis method which is the most accurate one being applied in a ζ Aur / VV Cep binary system to detect the mass-loss-rates of the stellar wind of the red-giant or of the red-super-giants .
Red supergiants and AGB stars show a blue-shifted filling emission feature in their 53.3 μ m absorption line profile while H II regions show a red-shifted filling emission feature .
From the mass-luminosity relation , the mass of this super giant is calculated as 30 times the mass of the Sun .
The dust is likely formed as the swollen atmosphere of the supergiant sheds material into space , a final phase in the evolution of a massive star .