
zhī lèi
  • lipid;lipoid;lipin
脂类[zhī lèi]
  1. 内源脂类对抗性淀粉RSⅢ形成的影响

    Effect of Endogenous Lipid on Formation of Resistant Starch Type ⅲ

  2. 本文报道我们测定的正常人血清中脂类过氧化物、丙二醛、水溶性荧光物质、维生素E及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的正常参考值。

    The lipid peroxides , MDA , WSFS , VE and GSH-Px in serum of adults were determined .

  3. 超临界CO2萃取玉米皮纤维脂类物质的研究

    Study on De-lipid of Corn Fiber by Supercritical CO_2 Extraction

  4. 两性霉素B仍是治疗免疫抑制宿主危重的、快速发展的肺真菌病的首选药物,脂类制剂可用于不能耐受两性霉素B毒副作用的患者。

    It is indicated that amphotericin B is still the first choice for the treatment of severe and rapidly progressive pulmonary mycosis .

  5. 以普通玉米淀粉为试验材料,先制备出低脂淀粉和无脂淀粉,经高温压热处理后,分别测定它们的抗性淀粉含量,发现内源脂类对抗性淀粉RSⅢ的形成有显著影响。

    Endogenous lipid in starches influences formation of resistant starch .

  6. 维生素E对烧伤焦痂脂类引起肝线粒体呼吸功能障碍的保护作用

    Protective effect of vitamin E on rat liver mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction induced by lipid extract of burn eschar

  7. 糖尿病和高血压患者食物IgG抗体产生与脂类代谢

    Food IgG antibody and lipid metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension

  8. ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸(ω-3POLYUNSATURATEDFATTYACID,ω-3PUFA)是一类主要来源于海洋生物的重要营养素,与机体脂类代谢等过程密切相关。

    ω - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (ω - 3PUFA ) is a group of very important lipids mainly from the cold-water fish .

  9. Cr(Ⅲ)是机体维持糖代谢和脂类代谢必需的微量元素之一。

    Cr (ⅲ) is one of the essential trace elements to maintain glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism in the body .

  10. 测定了红枣愈伤组织中糖类、脂类、蛋白质、核酸、维生素C的含量和过氧化物酶的活性;

    This paper determined the contents of carbohydrate , lipid , proteid , nucleic acid , and Vitamin C , as well as Peroxidase activity in Zizyphus jujuba callus ;

  11. 铬(Cr)作为一种必需微量元素,在蛋白质合成、糖类代谢和脂类代谢等中都发挥重要作用。

    Chromium ( Cr ) is an essential trace element and has beneficial effect on protein synthesis , carbohydrate and lipid metabolism .

  12. 维生素E对兔血清LCAT活性及脂类含量的影响

    Effect of vitamin E on rabbit serum LCAT activity and concentration of lipids

  13. 目的了解载脂蛋白E(apoE)及血清脂类物质检测对脑梗死的诊断作用。

    AIM To evaluate the significance of apoE and serum lipid material on the diagnosis of cerebral infaction .

  14. 介绍了超高压杀菌对食品品质,如脂类、风味物质、Vc、蛋白质、过氧化物酶和淀粉的影响。

    Furthermore , it studied the affects of high pressure on fat , flavor , Vc , protein , peroxidase and starch .

  15. 悬吊组股直肌ⅡB型纤维脂类含量增加(P<0.05),肌糖原、SDH和ALP无明显变化(P>0.05)。

    Lipid in type ⅱ B fibers was al-so increased ( P < 0.05 ) in suspended group .

  16. 结果表明,应用这种方法可以很明确的看到DNA、脂类及蛋白质特征峰在细胞中的分布情况,并且通过荧光染色验证了成像系统的可靠性。

    The results show that , the distribution of DNA , lipid and protein can be exhibited by this Raman mapping system , and the reliability is validated by the fluorescence staining .

  17. 它对DNA的保护作用可能是通过清除脂类自由基而阻断脂质过氧化的链式反应,抑制DNA加成物的生成,从而减少了细胞毒性。

    Its protective effect may be showed through breaking the chain reactions of peroxidation by scavenging lipid free radicals , leading to a decrease in the formation of DNA adducts , thereby decreasing their cytotoxicity .

  18. 大豆生物活性肽(SBP)对蛋鸡脂类代谢与蛋黄着色的调控机理研究

    Modulating Mechanism of Soybean Bioactive Peptides ( SBP ) on Cholesterol Metabolism and Yolk Pigmentation in Laying Hens

  19. 目的探讨精子膜脂类过氧化反应(LPO)在男性不育症诊断中的价值。

    Objective To study the diagnostic value of the lipid peroxidation ( LPO ) of human sperm membranes for male infertility .

  20. 细菌脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)即细菌内毒素(endotoxin)是一种含有脂类的多糖,具有广泛生物学活性,主要表现出免疫增强作用。

    Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) or endotoxin is a lipid-containing polysaccharide . It shows wide range of biological activities , such as immune enhancement .

  21. GC-MS鉴定表明,百合根系分泌中可能的化感物质主要包括脂类、醇类、酚类等,其中脂类物质含量较高。

    Allelochemicals in lily roots exudates mainly include lipid , alcohols , phenolic etc , with lipid content is higher , by GC-MS detection .

  22. 主要包括:(1)饲料中蛋白质及氨基酸、脂类、碳水化合物及维生素C、胆碱等维生素和钙、磷、镁、碘等矿物元素的适宜含量;

    The major advancements summarized are : ( 1 ) Optimum contents of major nutrients in diets , suitable dietary level of vitamin C , choline and several mineral elements such as calcium , phosphorus , magnesium and iodine .

  23. 在本研究中,我们主要观察:1.冷冻储存对精子的运动能力、畸形率、膜脂类过氧化反应、DNA损伤及线粒体膜电位、凋亡等的影响及各项指标之间是否存在相关性。

    In this study , our main aim : 1 . The effect of cryopreservation on sperm motile ability , sperm morphology , membrane lipid peroxidation , DNA damage , mitochondrial membrane potential and apoptosis . 2 .

  24. 化学法主要采用脂类、肽类、多聚体等化学物质,此类物质带有正电荷,通过电荷偶联作用可将携带负电荷的DNA导入细胞。

    Chemical method mainly uses lipids , peptides , polymers and other chemical substances , such substances are with a positive charge , through the role of charge-coupled it can carry DNA with negative charge into cells .

  25. 脂类酸增加与淀粉形成的附和体提高了淀粉糊化的热焓值(ΔH),并对淀粉糊的热稳定性有较大影响,促进陈米饭的老化回生。

    Lipid acid increased and the echoed bodies of starch formation enhance the starch paste the enthalpy value (△ H ), and have bigger impact on paste thermal stability of starch Promote aging rice to setback .

  26. 用正己烷和乙醇的混合液(2:1)去除大豆糖蜜中的脂类物质,去除率达69.9%。用磷酸-Ca(OH)2絮凝的方法去除胶体杂质。

    Fatty substances in the soy molasses were removed by organic solvent extraction and it was found that 69.9 % of the fat could be eliminated by a mixture of n-hexane and ethanol ( 2:1 ) .

  27. 已有研究表明,小RNA在发育、细胞增殖、凋亡、脂类代谢、激素分泌及肿瘤发生等多种生理和病理过程中发挥重要作用。

    MiRNAs have been proved to be involved in various physical and pathological precesses , such as development , cell proliferation , apoptosis , fat metabolism , hormone secretion and tumor development .

  28. 绍兴鸭酯酶电泳图谱的扫描灰度显著高于高邮鸭,二者之间差异显著(P<0.05),提示绍兴鸭酯酶的活性高于高邮鸭,这可能与不同品种鸭脂类代谢不同有关。

    Esteras scan intensities of Shaoxing ducks was significantly higher than that of Gaoyou duck ( P < 0.05 ), it seemed esteras activity of Shaoxing duck was higher than that of Gaoyou duck , which is probably related to fat metabolism ;

  29. 测定了62例睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(SAS)男性患者和33名同龄组正常男性血浆脂类水平。

    The plasma lipids in 62 patients with sleep apnea syndromes ( SAS ) and in 33 normal peoples of the same age regarded as controls were determined .

  30. 利用蜂蜡(BW)和月桂酸(La)对SPI膜进行共混改性,在形成乳化液的基础上形成SPI/脂类膜。

    Blend-modification of soy protein isolate solutions with beeswax and lauric acid ( La ) to has been used to form SPI / lipid emulsion edible films .