
  • 网络Unicellular organism;Protozoa;monad;protists
  1. SB和PB宿主范围极其广泛,从单细胞生物到高等哺乳动物都能够发挥作用。

    SB and PB have a broad host range , from single-celled organisms to higher mammals .

  2. 大部分算法只考虑简单而且短的Motif,所以各种软件对酵母菌这种单细胞生物的Motif识别性能比多细胞生物要高。

    Most algorithms only consider simple and short Motifs , so their Motif detecting performance on monadic yeast is significantly higher than on metazoans .

  3. 首先,他们收集了这4种单细胞生物(Hp、金葡、大肠杆菌、酿酒酵母)中关于代谢网络的大量的实验数据;

    First they gathered extensive experimental information on the metabolic networks of four different single-celled organisms : three bacteria ( H.pylori , S.aureus and E.coli ) and yeast ( S.cerevisiae ) .

  4. 根据最近的研究发现,一种名为多头绒泡菌(physarumpolycephalum)的单细胞生物在网络设计、分析与优化方面展现出了惊人的智能特性。

    According to recent study , it is found that a single cell organism , called Physarum polycephalum , shows its amazing intelligence in network design , analysis and optimization .

  5. 单细胞生物会有什么需要感到羞耻的事啊?

    What would a one-celled organism have to be embarrassed about ?

  6. 单细胞生物进化研究的进步

    The Basic Outline of the Evolution of Single Cell Life-form

  7. 这时你还是一个很小很小的单细胞生物,

    as a very , very small single-cell creature ,

  8. 他们中大部分是单细胞生物。

    Most of them consist of only one cell .

  9. 地球上的生命是从一些很小的单细胞生物进化而来的。

    Life on this planet Earth evolved out of some very minute unicellular creatures .

  10. 近几年来五种单细胞生物的基因组计划得以完成。

    Five genome projects on single cell microbes have been finished in recent years .

  11. 海洋里孕育着大量生命,但都是简单的单细胞生物。

    The oceans were full of life , but it was simple single-cellular life .

  12. 新研究显示很多单细胞生物能够直立和行走。

    New research shows that many of these unicellular organisms can stand upright and walk .

  13. 从人类的高度来看,单细胞生物是地球上的浮渣。

    VIEWED from humanity 's lofty heights , single-celled creatures are the scum of the earth .

  14. 嗅觉是动物的一个重要感官功能,而一项最新研究显示,细菌这种单细胞生物也有类似的“嗅觉”,它可以感知空气中的气味,并由此对周边环境做出判断。

    Research has shown that bacteria-among the simplest life forms on Earth-have a sense of smell .

  15. 选择酵母是因为酵母是单细胞生物,便于研究。

    Yeast is a single-celled organism and therefore less complex to study for initial screening purposes .

  16. 细菌的群体感应现象转变了人们长期以来认为细菌是自由生活的单细胞生物这种看法。

    It has long been assumed that bacteria are free-living , unicellular organisms until the phenomenon of bacterial quorum-sensing .

  17. 我在研究单细胞生物,试图从它们身上找到引发羞愧感的神经化学物质。

    I 'm studying one-celled organisms to try and find the neurochemicals that lead to the feeling of shame .

  18. 近10年来,一种名为多头绒泡菌的多核单细胞生物引起了众多科学家的兴趣,其智能行为也被广泛研究。

    Over the last decade , a multinucleated single-cell organism , called Physarum polycephalum , has aroused a great interest .

  19. 我们发现与神经递质灭活相关的基因在后生动物中具有强而稳定的保守性而在单细胞生物中几乎完全缺失。

    We founded that genes related to neurotransmitter inactivation share high and stable similarity in metazoan and absent from pan-unicellular eukaryotes .

  20. 如果对人性的要求已经到了这种地步,等同于一般单细胞生物,什么怨恨和反感都不会发生。

    Everybody can , nobody seriously wants to , if he doesn 't need this to make a decent living , though .

  21. 至今为止,只有类似于细菌和真菌之类的单细胞生物被人们从距离地壳几千公里的裂缝中发现。

    Until now , only single-celled organisms , like bacteria and fungi , have been recovered from kilometres beneath the Earth 's crust .

  22. 研究人过去一直认为,只有原核生物和原生生物这样的单细胞生物才能够在深海的缺氧环境中生存。

    Researchers had thought that only single-celled organisms such as prokaryotes and protozoa could live in the oxygen-deprived environments of the deepest ocean .

  23. 许多单细胞生物的防御机制,在多细胞生物的所有细胞中保留下来,而其他机制仅存在于特化的细胞。

    Many protective mechanisms of unicellular organisms were preserved in all cells of multi-cellular organisms , whereas others were preserved only in specialized cells .

  24. 约8千万年来(自恐龙时期以来),这些单细胞生物是如何在没有雄性的情况下进化的呢?长期以来,这个问题一直困扰着科学家们。

    How these single-celled organisms have evolved without males for an estimated 80m years – since the age of dinosaurs – has long puzzled scientists .

  25. 由单细胞生物到多细胞生物,是进化史上的一个飞跃,但在时间上并不需要漫长的岁月。

    From single cells to multicellular organisms , is a leap in the history of evolution , but the timing does not need a long period of time .

  26. 当你意识到人类的起源可以追溯到数百万年前漂浮在海洋里的单细胞生物时,难道你一点也不惊叹于造物的神奇?

    Doesn 't it amaze you to realize that we can trace life back millions and millions of years ago to single-celled organisms floating around in the ocean ?

  27. 在培养到第3、4轮时,各种数值接近正常,表明单细胞生物对环境的变化有较强的适应性。

    These values close to the normal level at the 3rd and 4th round , which suggests that the unicell living things have relatively strong adaptation to environment changes .

  28. 地壳形成,单细胞生物是早期的生命形式。(生)与介壳有关或有介壳。

    The time from 1.5 billion to 5 billion years ago ; earth 's crust formed ; unicellular organisms are earliest forms of life . ( biology ) relating to or possessing a test or testa .

  29. 单细胞自由生物基因组全序列的测定和比较基因组研究

    Whole genome Sequencing and the Comparative Genomics of Free Living Single Cell Organisms

  30. 研究Rab蛋白在单细胞真核生物纤毛虫中的功能及阐明囊泡定向运输机理具有重要意义。

    It 's meaningful to study the function of Rab proteins in ciliates and further to explicit the mechanism of vesicular trafficking .