
dān xì bāo dònɡ wù
  • unicellular animal
  1. 有些单细胞动物以分裂进行繁殖而不是有性繁殖。

    Some single-celled animals propagate by division rather than sexual reproduction .

  2. 比如,单细胞动物总是生活在水中,因为水有助于保持它的形态。

    For example , one-celled animals always live in water , which helps the cell hold its shape .

  3. 单细胞动物对食物的反应是向食物移动,离开是对危险的反应。

    The one-celled animals react to food by moving toward it and react to danger by moving away .

  4. 激素印迹是单细胞动物和多细胞动物的一种生理现象,也是选择参与信号识别过程分子的工具。

    Hormonal imprinting is a physiological phenomenon and a tool for selecting the molecules that participate in signal recognition processes at both the unicellular and multicellular level .

  5. 16世纪晚期可视光显微镜的发明引入了一个以前一无所知的单细胞植物和动物的领域。

    The invention of the visible light microscope late in the sixteenth century introduced a previously unknown realm of single celled plants and animals .

  6. 16世纪晚期可视光显微镜的发明引入了一个以前一无所知的单细胞植物和动物的领域。20世纪电子显微镜提供了对病毒和极微物体的表面结构的直接观察。

    The invention of the visible light microscope late in the sixteenth century introduced a previously unknown realm of single celled plants and animals.In the twentieth century , electron microscopes have provided direct views of viruses and minuscule surface structures .

  7. 通过显微注射的方法,将外源基因注射入花鲈和斑马鱼单细胞期受精卵动物极细胞质内,使用的外源基因包括绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因、Nramp基因和抗菌肽Magainin基因。

    Nramp gene is driven by CMV promoter . And different Exogenous genes including GFP gene , Nramp gene and Magainin gene were injected into the cytoplasm of newly fertilized sea perch and zebrafish embryos at one cell stage .

  8. 单细胞蛋白可用于动物的饲料以及人类的食物。

    The single cell protein can be utilized as feed for animals and food for human .