
fēn jiě zhě
  • decomposer
  1. 马陆是森林生态系统重要的分解者,在帽儿山林区,马陆摄食量随温度的升高而增加。

    Millipedes is an important decomposer in the forest ecosystem .

  2. 它一般从生产者开始,接着是一系列的消费者,最后是分解者。

    It normally starts with a producer , followed by series of consumers and ends with a decomposer .

  3. 分解者——这将给你的根除者提供一架近程反装甲武器

    Disintegrator-This will give your Eradicator Hexapod a close range anti-vehicle weapon .

  4. 大山与矶滩两地均是如此,而P对凋落物以及分解者的调节作用还有待进一步研究。C是构成凋落物的主要组成元素,在释放中呈现稳固上升的趋势。

    While the P decomposers of litter and regulatory role remains to be further studied . C constitutes a major component of litter elements and presents a upward trend .

  5. 羊草草原的分解者包括土壤微生物和土壤动物。

    Decomposers included soil microorganisms and soil animal in Aneurolepidium chinese grassland .

  6. 完全淹没时,放线菌是主要分解者。

    When completely submerged , actinomycetes were the main decomposers .

  7. 羊草草原分解者亚系统的特性及作用

    Characteristics and function of decomposer subsystem in Leymus chinesis Steppe

  8. 对土壤分解者研究方法的进展进行综述与分析。

    The advances in research methods for soil decomposers were reviewed and analyzed .

  9. 森林生态系统中初级生产者-分解者养分的关系

    Discussion on the Nutrients Relationship Between the Primary Producers and Decomposers in Forest-ecosystem

  10. 蕈菌是木质素和纤维素的分解者;

    Mushroom was decomposer of lignin and fibre .

  11. 土壤分解者研究方法进展

    Advances in research methods for soil decomposers

  12. 没有被吃掉的消费者或生产者最终将成为分解者的食物。

    The producer or consumer that is not eaten will dieeventually and become food for the decomposers .

  13. 这项升级先祝提升同化者,分解者,震波部队,杂交部队和掠夺者的移动速度。

    This upgrade significantly increases the speed of Assimilators , Disintegrators , Shock Troops , Cultists and Ravagers .

  14. 微生物是生态系统的组成成分、最主要的分解者,推动着生态系统的物质循环与能量流动。

    Microorganisms are compositions and main decomposers of ecosystem , which promote material cycle and energy flow in ecosystem .

  15. 生态系统中生产、消费、分解者之间的和谐状态。

    Ecological balance refers to the harmonious relationship between the producers , consumers , and decomposers in an ecosystem .

  16. 罗平生物群的生物具备了从初级生产者到初级消费者,再到高级消费者,最后再到分解者的全部类别,已经形成了一个健康完整的食物链。

    From the primary producer , primary customer , senior customer to decomposer , Luoping Biota has a healthy food chain .

  17. 它是生态环境中重要的分解者,有些种还可用于害虫生物防治。

    The Conidiobolus is a key decomposer in ecosystem , and some species can be used as the agents for controlling pest .

  18. 土壤动物作为生态系统中物质循环中的重要消费者及部分的分解者,在生态系统中起着十分重要的作用。

    As the major consumers and special decomposers in the circulation of materials , they make a vital role in the ecosystem .

  19. 级联循环,阶式循环有机体之营养和能源摄取模式(如肉食、草食、分解者等)。

    The role of an organism in nutrient and energy flow within an ecosystem ( e.g. , herbivore , carnivore , decomposer ) .

  20. 微生物处于食物链的最底端,是最主要的分解者,被广泛的应用于食品、药品、水质净化以及环境污染指示生物等。

    Microbes are the basic decomposer , in the bottom of the food chain , widely used in food , medicine , water purification .

  21. 凋落物作为分解者的物质和能量的来源,在生态系统养分循环的过程中发挥着重要的作用。

    Leaf Litter , as the source of decomposers matter and energy plays an important role in the process of nutrient cycling in ecosystems .

  22. 阐述了生态系统的无机环境、以及生物的生产者、消费者、分解者等4个基本组成部分及其相互之间的生物链关系的理论。

    The bio-chain theory of four fundamental compositions and interrelationship between inorganic environment of ecological system and manufacturer , consumer and resolution of biology is expounded .

  23. 细菌在生态系统的能量转化和食物链中既是初级生产者又是分解者,细菌的多样性在农业生态系统中又具有各种不同的功能。

    Bacteria are both the producer and the decomposer in energy conversion and food chain of ecosystem ; its diversity also has a variety of functions .

  24. 混合凋落物较单一凋落物增加了资源异质性,改变了分解者群落丰富度,影响分解速率。

    Comparing with single litter , mixed litter increases resource heterogeneity and changes the abundance of decomposer communities , and then affects litter decomposition rate . 7 .

  25. 虚拟实践共同体赖以生存的网络支撑环境作为共同体不可分割的部分,共同体成员等同于生态系统中的生产者和消费者,而网络管理员和系统维护员则视为生态系统的分解者。

    It takes network supporting environment as a part of community . The community members are both producers and consumers . The network administrators are taken as disintegrators .

  26. 每年被分解者所消耗的能量为1141.87kJ/m~2/a,其中71.87%的能量用于呼吸作用。

    The energy consumed by decomposers is about 1141.67kJ / m ~ 2 / a , 71.87 % of which is used for respi - ration of decomposers .

  27. 当达到稳定状态时,储存在枯枝落叶中的能量为11305.61kJ/m~2,分解者中的能量为1475.20kJ/m~2。

    Energy mass stored in litter will be 11305.61kJ / m ~ 2 and in decomposers will be 1475.20kJ / m ~ 2 at stea - dy state .

  28. 通过构建初级生产者-分解者系统的养分流动模型,分析分解者增长受碳限制或受养分限制的判断标准。

    By constructing a flux model of nutrients for a primary producer-decomposer ecosystem , a determining standard of decomposers increase confined by carbon or nutrients limitation is analysed .

  29. 高校图书馆担负着信息的组织者、传递者和分解者的角色,在信息生产者与消费者之间起着疏导的作用。

    The university library acts as the information organizer , the information mediator and information decomposer , and plays a role of counseling between information producers and information consumers .

  30. 在行为方面上要处理好信息生产者、信息消费者、信息分解者、信息监督者自身及之间的各种信息活动行为。

    In the behavior to deal with the information of consumers and producers , information information , information itself and the supervisor decomposers between various information activities of behavior .