
  • 网络nabisco;RJR Nabisco
  1. 历史上最大的杠杆收购案例是美国雷诺兹-纳贝斯克公司(RJRNabisco),收购价为310亿美元。

    The largest LBO in history was RJR Nabisco , at $ 31 billion .

  2. 在整个总统竞选期间,特朗普曾利用多次演讲抨击福特(Ford)、苹果(Apple)和纳贝斯克(Nabisco)等美国企业将一些或多数制造业务迁往海外。

    Throughout the campaign , Mr Trump has used many of his speeches to lambast US groups such as Ford , Apple and Nabisco who have moved some or most of their manufacturing overseas .

  3. 在我职业生涯中的某个时候,纳贝斯克(Nabisco)首席执行官邀请我出任其销售业务总裁。

    At one point in my career , the CEO of Nabisco wanted me to be president of the sales organization .

  4. 但这起项收购均不涉及对上市公司的收购【InternationalCigarettes是雷诺兹•纳贝斯克(RJRNabisco)分拆出来的公司,而BareEscentuals则由私募股权公司BerkshirePartners所有】。

    Neither of those two transactions , however , included the acquisition of a listed company ( International cigarettes was a spinoff from RJR Nabisco , while bare Escentuals was owned by private equity firm Berkshire partners ) .

  5. 我以前在纳贝斯克工作

    I used to work at Nabisco .

  6. 纳贝斯克公司将这些钱投入到设备升级上面以生产更多的奥利奥、脱脂无花果酥及乐之饼干等产品。

    Nabisco had used the money to upgrade its facility to churn out more Oreos , fat free Fig Newtons and Ritz crackers .

  7. 当我在纳贝斯克工作时,上班只需10分钟车程,因此,我每天很早起床,在家中花园里喝上一杯咖啡。

    When I worked at Nabisco , I had a 10-minute commute , so I got up very early in the morning and had a cup of coffee at home in my garden .

  8. 从1993年起,为了确保亿滋的控股子公司纳贝斯克位于西南部的工厂能持续生产奥利奥,该公司享受了芝加哥及伊利诺伊州政府将近9000万美元的税收优惠。

    Nabisco , a subsidiary of Mondelez , had received $ 90 million in tax benefits from Chicago and Illinois in 1993 to keep making Oreos in the company 's Southwest Side facility .

  9. 谁能更好地为无数美国制造商的回归而谈判,让诸如纳贝斯克、福特和开利等公司回归其最初创立的地方-美国,谁能比一个在全国雇佣了成千上万员工的人更适合做这些事情呢?

    Who better to negotiate the return of countless American manufacturers , like Nabisco and Ford and Carrier , and so many others , back to the United States where they began , than a man who has single-handedly employed tens and tens and tens of thousands of people around the country ?