
  • 网络Nablus;Nabulus
  1. 不知道为什么纳布卢斯的人喜欢放那么多糖?

    Why do they use so much sugar in nablus ?

  2. 成千上万的巴勒斯坦人参加了在纳布卢斯为这三人举行的葬礼。

    Thousands of Palestinians attended the funeral of the gunmen in Nablus .

  3. Yitzhar是西岸城市纳布卢斯的一个山顶社区,这里居住着大约500名犹太人。其中一人名叫BenjaminAllen,大约十年前从美国来到这里。

    One of them is Benjamin Allen , a Jew originally from the United States who came here nearly ten years ago .

  4. 据资料目击者纳布卢斯附近的坦克也派驻了大约。

    According to data of eye-witnesses around Nablus tanks were stationed also approximately .

  5. 你们是去纳布卢斯吗?

    Are you going to nablus ?

  6. 法塔赫的激进分子还在约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯绑架了哈马斯官员穆罕默德.哈扎尔。

    Fatah militants also abducted Hamas official Mohammed Ghazal in the West Bank town of Nablus .

  7. 不过,在约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯,夜间有一名法塔赫选举工作人员被打死。

    Despite the pledge , a Fatah election worker was killed in the West Bank town of Nablus overnight .

  8. 几十辆装载着以色列蒙面突击队员的吉普车于黎明前驶入约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯,并包围了三名巴勒斯坦枪手的住房。

    Dozens of jeeps carrying masked Israeli commandos rolled into the West Bank town of Nablus before dawn and surrounded the homes of three Palestinian gunmen .

  9. “除非我们获得工资,否则我们无法继续,”在医院外与其他罢工雇员站在一起的卫生部在纳布卢斯的一名资深司长说。

    " We can 't continue unless we get our salaries ," said a senior director in the Ministry of Health in Nablus , standing with other striking employees outside the hospital .

  10. 他10岁那年,当该中心还设在纳布卢斯的一个出租楼里之时,他就开始为中心帮忙,尽义务。

    Jameel Aqra , like Hajeer a resident of the Askar refugee camp in the West Bank , began volunteering for the Safeer Center as a10-year-old when the facility was housed in a rented building in Nablus .