
yóu fāng
  • roam all around the world
  • wander for religious purposes
  • a form of institutionalized courtship among the Miao
游方 [yóu fāng]
  • [travel far and wide] 指僧人、道士为修行问道或化缘而云游四方

  • 摇身一变,变做个游方的云水全真。--《西游记》

  1. 这时,路过一游方僧人,得知情况,决定点化一下他。

    Right then , there was a monk passing by who learned of the situation and decided to enlightened him .

  2. 我是指那些游方的人,灵性的游方者,他们裸行、乞讨,然而却不被看低,事实上他们是受到尊重的。

    I mean wanderers , the spiritual wanderers those who are walking naked , begging , they are not looked down , in fact they are looked up .

  3. 我问过一些游方僧人,问过那些永远都说“神存在,你只要去看”的人,还有那些变得故弄玄虚并提供某种方法的人。

    I have asked some of the wandering monks , and those who everlastingly say , God is , you have only to look , and those who become mysterious and offer some method .

  4. 在悉达多的故事里,那个解答的初步象征,正落在王子离宫出游时遇见的第四人&丛林游方者时的反应上。

    The first step in that solution is symbolized in the Siddhartha story by the prince 's reaction to the fourth person he saw on his travels outside of the palace : the wandering forest contemplative .

  5. 清微宫在武当山道教历史上占有重要位置,这里曾经高道云集,是武当道教重要的讲学传道的场所,也是游方道士和金顶太和宫养老道士清修的地方。

    Micro-palace in Wudang Taoism occupies an important position in history , gathered here have high road , Wudang Taoism is an important place for evangelism lectures , but also to travel and Taoist Tai Jinding Temple endowment Taoist quiet surroundings areas .