
  1. 那么小辣椒(Pepper)将会改变这一现状。

    Well Pepper could be about to change all that .

  2. 那么“小辣椒(Pepper)”将会改变这一现状。

    Well " Pepper " could be about to change all that .

  3. 十多年前,小辣椒川菜馆(LittlePepper)诞生在皇后区法拉盛闹市区竞争激烈的华裔聚居地。

    Little Pepper began life a dozen years ago in the competitive Chinese nucleus of downtown Flushing , Queens .

  4. 许多墨西哥食品中含有的红色的小辣椒因为颜色和味道而被称做redhots。

    The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hots for their color and their fiery taste .

  5. 小辣椒川菜馆的大厨们做菜可能格外精准,可能是因为CollegePoint的地价比法拉盛低,餐厅老板们能在后堂配置宽敞整齐的厨房。

    It 's possible that the chefs at Little Pepper cook with extra precision because real estate is cheaper in College Point than in Flushing , allowing the owners to spring for the roomy , shipshape kitchen in the back .

  6. 我开车去CollegePoint大道(到目前为止,去小辣椒川菜馆走这条路最方便,它离最近的地铁站要坐大概20分钟公交车)是为了吃上正宗川菜,比如柔滑的葱烧豆腐。

    The reason to drive to College Point Boulevard ( by far the easiest way to get to Little Pepper , about a 20-minute bus ride from the nearest subway stop ) is to eat undiluted Sichuan cooking , like silken tofu with scallions .

  7. 小辣椒设计成家庭机器人&可能更像动画片《杰森一家》(TheJetsons)里的家庭机器人罗茜(Rosie)的时尚版。

    Pepper is designed to be a family robot & perhaps more like a sleeker version of Rosie , the household robot on the cartoon The Jetsons .

  8. “小辣椒”设计成家庭机器人——可能更像动画片《杰森一家》(TheJetsons)里的家庭机器人罗茜(Rosie)的时尚版。

    Pepper is designed to be a family robot -- perhaps more like a sleeker version of Rosie , the household robot on the cartoon " The Jetsons . "

  9. 上海菜使用姜,大蒜,小辣椒等香料。

    Spices like ginger , garlic and small red pepper are used .

  10. 小辣椒看起来不太像它的名字。

    Pepper doesn 't look much like its name .

  11. 像‘小辣椒’这样的机器人能为我们的日常生活增添了一个新的角度。

    Robots like Pepper are adding a new dimension in our daily lives .

  12. 毕竟,“小辣椒”通晓多种语言,能说17种语言。

    After all , Pepper is quite the polyglot , speaking 17 languages .

  13. 有数千台‘小辣椒’机器人将在商场里学习,孙正义说。

    Several thousand Peppers are going to learn at the store , Son said .

  14. 小辣椒:“娜塔莎就在这里!”(斯塔克的新秘书进来了)

    Pepper Potts : Natascha is here ! [ Stark 's new secretary enters ]

  15. 小辣椒将于2015年2月在日本上市,售价约为2000美元。

    Pepper goes on sale in Japan for around US $ 2,000 in February 2015 .

  16. “小辣椒”将于2015年2月在日本上市,售价约为2000美元。

    Pepper goes on sale in Japan for around US $ 2000 in February 2015 .

  17. 小辣椒通过云端人工智能运行。

    Pepper functions through cloud-based artificial intelligence .

  18. 没想到那家伙也挺会选房间的,那小辣椒,你喜欢哪间房间?

    He surely knows how to pick a room . Well , my chili baby .

  19. 小辣椒如何读懂你的情绪

    How Pepper reads your moods

  20. 这些橄榄在辣椒油里泡过,其中一些还塞着小辣椒。

    They have been marinated in chilli oil , and some have been stuffed with tiny hot peppers .

  21. 不过,最大的不同点是小辣椒互动性十足,在看到人时,能与人进行眼神交流。

    Yet the great differentiator is the fact Pepper is fully interactive , making eye contact when meeting people .

  22. 因为“小辣椒”其实是个机器人,被认为是世界上第一款能读懂人情感的机器人。

    That 's because Pepper is actually a robot and touted as the world 's first with the ability to read emotions .

  23. 研发人员称,小辣椒可以分析面部表情、人的语调和手势,然后通过程序自动做出反应。

    Pepper can analyze facial expressions , human voice tones and gestures , then react autonomously through algorithms , its creators say .

  24. 通常凉菜汤选用新鲜西红柿、黄瓜、小辣椒和大蒜制成,十分清口健康。

    Usually made with fresh tomatoes , cucumber , bell peppers and garlic , it 's as refreshing as it is healthy .

  25. 拍黄瓜现在也出现在非中餐厅里,但是没有哪家做得比小辣椒川菜馆还好吃。

    Cold smashed cucumbers with garlic are turning up in non-Chinese restaurants now , but few improve on the ones at Little Pepper .

  26. 小辣椒川菜馆并非完全未受美式中餐的影响,不过猪肉捞面并非它的招牌菜。

    Little Pepper is not entirely free of American Chinese food , but its pork lo mein is not one of its chief attractions .

  27. 小辣椒餐馆的鱼吃起来口感总是有点柴,不过它的酱汁太美味,所以也无所谓了。

    The fish at Little Pepper often tastes muddy . The sauces , though , are so transporting that it doesn 't matter very much .

  28. 至少,当我开车经过法拉盛出口,还得再开15分钟才能到达小辣椒川菜馆时,心里就是这么想的。

    This at least is what I tell myself as I 'm driving past the exit for Flushing and Little Pepper is still another 15 minutes away .

  29. 小辣椒的声音虽然尖了点,但能聊小到天气,大到股市最新波动等复杂的话题。

    Despite the high-pitched voice , Pepper is able to converse about everything from the weather , to more sophisticated topics like the latest fluctuations in the stock markets .

  30. 多因素分析发现胡萝卜、桔子、苹果、大蒜、香焦、小辣椒、大葱是脑膜瘤的保护因素;

    By means of multi-variable analysis , we found that carrot , apple , tangerine , banana , hot pepper , scallion and garlic are the protective factors for meningioma .