
  • 网络haller;Halle
  1. 官僚主义就如迷宫中的回廊,又象小巷般的繁文缛节(威廉H.哈勒汉)

    The labyrinthine corridors and alleys of bureaucratic red tape ( William H. Hallahan )

  2. 卢克o哈勒敦是OneOceanVentures公司的客户咨询服务总监,这家公司主要向超级游艇买家提供一系列服务。

    Luc Khaldoun is the head of client advisory services at OneOcean Ventures , which provides a range of services for superyacht owners .

  3. 据法国检察官弗朗索瓦•莫林斯(FrançoisMolins)介绍,布哈勒为实施这场大屠杀作了精心准备,他在7月4日租下这辆卡车,并在袭击当日几次到海滨踩点。

    Bouhlel meticulously prepared the massacre , renting the truck on July 4 and repeatedly checking the seafront the day of the slaughter , according to French prosecutor Fran ç ois Molins .

  4. 伯利恒之祖萨玛,伯迦得之祖哈勒。

    Salma the father of bethlehem , hareph the father of bethgader .

  5. 哈氏棒和狄克氏钉联合治疗脊柱骨折脱位哈勒氏网,睾丸网

    Treatment of spinal fracture and dislocation with combination of Harrington rod and Dick systems

  6. 我们从那里乘坐出租的福特卡车到达美军位于哈勒的防线。

    We rode from there to the American lines at Halle in Lend-Lease Ford trucks .

  7. 哈勒【7】一垒安打,梅斯占据三垒。

    Haller singles , Mays holds third .

  8. 哈勒沃登-施帕茨病的诊断

    Diagnosis of Hallervorden - Spatz disease

  9. 骑士精神当时正处于巅峰状态(亨利哈勒妣)。艾舍斯特沉醉于自己的骑士精神,继续嘟囔着。

    Chivalry was then in its zenith ( Henry Hallam ) . Drunk on his own chivalry , Ashurst went on murmuring .

  10. 跟其他一些在监狱中被激进化的圣战分子不同,出生于突尼斯的布哈勒曾被判斗殴罪成立,但未被判在狱中服刑。

    Tunisia-born Bouhlel had a conviction for affray but had not been to jail , unlike some other jihadis who were radicalised in prison .

  11. 墓地很有可能在哈勒顿山上或其附近,但是至今都没人知道确切地点。

    The tomb is most likely on or around a Mongolian mountain called Burkhan Khaldun , but to this day its precise location is unknown .

  12. 哈勒表示,实际上,西尔斯鼓励顾客说出某件产品是好是坏得到诚实的评论确实很重要。

    Mr Harles says Sears has really pushed customers to say if something is good or if it is bad ... it is really important to have honest reviews .

  13. 本周三,当地检察官宣布与哈勒维失踪事件有牵连的三个人再次被捕,因为又发现新的相关证据。

    Authorities have re-arrested three men in connection with the disappearance of an Alabama teenager in Aruba in2005 , based on new evidence in the case , prosecutors announced Wednesday .

  14. 现在,他们将面临“谋杀娜塔妮哈勒维或对娜塔妮哈勒维造成肉体伤害致其死亡”的指控。

    They are now charged with " involvement in the voluntary manslaughter of Natalee Holloway or causing serious bodily harm to Natalee Holloway , resulting in her death ," the statement said .

  15. 一名接近调查的人士称,在上周四晚上布哈勒用来撞击庆祝法国国庆日人群的卡车中,发现了一部手机,其中的联系人有不止一名当地圣战分子。

    A person close to the investigation said that contacts in the phone found in the truck that Bouhlel used to plough into the crowd celebrating Bastille Day on Thursday evening were local jihadis .

  16. 第二天,他们准备离开,但直到飞机起飞,哈勒维也没有出现,而她打好的行李和护照完好无损地放在房间里。

    The group had planned to leave for home the following day , and Holloway 's packed bags and passport were found in her hotel room after she failed to show up for her flight .

  17. 同时,哈勒维妈妈的一个发言人说“这案件的每一步进展都给这个受伤的家庭以希望。”

    Meanwhile , a spokeswoman for Holloway 's mother , Beth Holloway , said in a statement ," The family is always hopeful when a step in the right direction is made in the case . "