
  • 网络Simple squamous epithelium
  1. 血管内皮细胞为单层扁平上皮细胞,多数内皮细胞未见细胞核。

    Vascular endothelial cells were pavement epithelium cells , most of them without nuclear .

  2. 下颌弓表面上皮由培养前的单层扁平上皮发育为为复层鳞状上皮,少部分下颌弓表面有角化物堆积。

    The epithelium of the mandibular arch changed from monolayer to polylayer with accumulation of keratose in some arches .

  3. 该鞘一般由2&4层连续的单层扁平上皮构成,广泛存在于所有脑、脊神经及其神经节和植物性神经及其神经节内。

    The sheath is generally composed of 2-4 layers of tessellated epithelia and exists all over the cerebrospinal and autonomic nerves and herve ganlions .

  4. 神经垂体表面垂体囊为单层扁平上皮细胞,上皮细胞间存在许多不规则的囊上皮孔(2~5μm),上皮孔附近经常可见分泌颗粒。

    The pituitary capsule is composed of simple squamous epithelial cells , among which there are many irregular epithelial openings ( 2 ~ 5 μ m ) . Secretory granules can be seen frequently near the epithelial openings .

  5. 目的:85%~90%的卵巢癌起源于卵巢生发上皮,它是由单层扁平&立方上皮细胞组成,排卵与上皮性卵巢癌的发病与有关。

    Objective : The majority of ovarian cancers ( 85 % ~ 90 % ) are believed to derive from the ovarian surface epithelium which is composed of a single layer of flat-to-cuboidal epithelial cells .

  6. 结果显示,双峰驼卵巢表面被覆单层立方至单层扁平的生殖上皮,无排卵窝,上皮下为致密结缔组织白膜,卵巢实质由外周的皮质和中央的髓质构成。

    The results showed that the ovary was covered with sample cuboidal or squamous germinal epithelium and tunica albuginea of dense connective tissue .