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wèn xùn
  • Inquiries;ask;inquire;enquire;greet;put the palms together (a Buddhist greeting);send one's regards to
问讯 [wèn xùn]
  • (1) [inquire]∶询问或打听

  • 幸可广问讯。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 咸来问讯。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 问讯处

  • (2) [greet]∶问候

  • 彼此见礼问讯

  • (3) [put the palms together (a Buddhist greeting)]∶僧尼跟人应酬时合十招呼。也叫打问讯

问讯[wèn xùn]
  1. 到问讯处看看是否有人交来了你的包。

    Ask at enquiries to see if your bag has been handed in .

  2. 问讯使我们应接不暇。

    We were overwhelmed by requests for information .

  3. 问讯将会秘密进行。

    The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private

  4. 辩护论点为问讯记录是警方捏造的。

    The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police

  5. 他遭到逮捕、拘留以接受问讯。

    He was arrested and detained for questioning .

  6. 在大堂的问讯处询问今天的活动。

    Ask about today 's activities at the Great Hall Information Desk .

  7. 储物柜位于1号楼问讯处附近和3号楼。

    The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3 .

  8. 如果是VIP客人离店,行李员及时通知问讯处准备好酒店轿车等待客人。

    If is the VIP guest check out , the bellboy informs the concierge to prepare the hotel limousine or taxi . The bellboy must sell hotel transportation in a courteous .

  9. 最近几周,FBI对希拉里的高级助理进行了问讯,包括长期顾问胡玛•阿贝丁(HumaAbedin),但尚未对希拉里本人进行问讯。

    In recent weeks , the FBI has interviewed top Clinton aides , including longtime adviser Huma Abedin , but has yet to interview Mrs Clinton .

  10. 国家问讯宣称布兰妮的爸爸吉米和男朋友杰森Trawick躲布兰妮从“真相”的关于她的旅行。

    The National Enquirer claims Britney 's dad Jamie and boyfriend Jason Trawick are hiding Britney from " the truth " about her tour .

  11. 所有人都被问讯过了。

    They 've all had polygraphs . everybody 's been vetted .

  12. 体育公正法庭问讯开始,罗西静侯加里亚尼辞职。

    The sporting justice interrogations start , Rossi awaits Galliani resignation .

  13. 我要求在她被问讯时在场。

    I insist on being here while she 's being questioned .

  14. 人家叫我去找经理[去问讯处]。

    I was referred to the manager / the enquiry office .

  15. 这个问讯处为顾客供给大量关于货色投保方面的信息。

    This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance .

  16. 您可以拨556-4010问讯台。他们应该知道的。

    You can call the information desk at556-4010.they should know it .

  17. 警方要问讯谁的话

    You guys , if the cops are gonna question anybody ,

  18. 到问讯处找威尔森小姐。

    Kindly proceed to the information desk to meet Miss Wilson .

  19. 问讯处的那位年青女性非常愿意提供帮助。

    The young lady in the inquiry office was very forthcoming .

  20. 去往利兹的旅客琼斯夫人请到问讯处来,好吗?

    Passenger to leeds , please come to the enquiry desk ?

  21. 我们可以到问讯处去问路。

    We can ask for directions at the information desk .

  22. 好运在节俭的门前止步,问讯它是否在家。

    Luck stops at the door and inquires whether prudence is within .

  23. 问讯处位于市中心。

    The information office is located in the city center .

  24. 有人通知我们再次到问讯处报到。

    When we were asked to report to the information desk again .

  25. 我们约好在旅馆的问讯处见面。

    We arranged to meet at the information desk of the hotel .

  26. 地放下家务去招待来宾。请到问讯处领取招待券。

    She laid by her house hold work to entertain the visitor .

  27. 职员:就在那里,问讯台的旁边。

    Employee : Just over there , next to the information counter .

  28. 我看你就代表大家回答问讯吧。

    So I guess you 'll be answering for everybody .

  29. 问讯处助理人员和导游协调员/主管职类

    Public information assistance and tour coordinator / supervisor category

  30. 问讯处:新闻中心设在世博中心内。

    Information : It 's within the Expo Center .