
  • 网络new shanghai;New Shanghai Restaurant
  1. 利用大体积混凝土变形荷载作用下数值分析程序MASSIVE及施工现场监测系统,对新上海国际大厦基础承压平台的混凝土水化热的影响进行了理论分析和施工现场监测。

    Affection of hydration heat of mixture concrete during construction to mass concrete foundation of New Shanghai Intemational Tower is analysed theoretically and taken measure of surveillance in site , with numerical analysis program MASSIVE and monitor control system .

  2. 新上海人社会观念的嬗变

    The Transmutation of Social Ideology of New Shanghai Residents

  3. 新上海有新概念的摄影书店。

    Now , Shanghai has a new-concept photography bookstore .

  4. 新上海国际大厦超厚筏板基础裂缝控制与施工监测

    Construction Monitor for Crack Control of Mat Foundation in New Shanghai International Tower

  5. 关于杭州湾北岸带形城市(新上海)的设想

    Thoughts on the Belt-Shaped City on the North Bank of the Hangzhou Bay

  6. 新上海一号矿风井全井冻结井筒快速施工技术

    Rapid Construction Technology of Freezing Well-wide Shaft of New Shanghai No.1 Ventilation Shaft Mine

  7. 相比标准设计的博物馆,新上海自然历史博物馆消耗的能源节省了15%。

    The museum saves 15 % on energy consumption compared to a standard-design museum .

  8. 新上海人,浦东密集度最高,办公大楼里最多。

    The new Shanghai Pudong intensity of the highest , up to the office building .

  9. 本文对新上海国际大厦的基础与上部结构的结构设计作一介绍。

    The present paper a brief account of the super and sub-structural design of this building .

  10. 新上海饭店已于昨天重新开张,内部装潢典雅豪迈。

    New Shanghai Restaurant with elegant interior decoration reopened yesterday . Its interior design is very elegant .

  11. 过去,老上海人是一锅大米粥,米与汁不分;现在,新上海人是一块糯米糕,颗颗精神。

    In the past , old Shanghainese is big pot of congee , rice and juice together ;

  12. 我们的宗旨是把金外滩建设成新上海的新外滩!

    We are aiming at building The Bund Hotel into a New Bund of the new Shanghai .

  13. 新上海国际大厦基础承压平台大体积混凝土施工过程中水化热影响分析

    Affection Analysis of Hydration Heat of Mixture Concrete of Foundation of Mass Concrete Structure for New Shanghai International Tower

  14. 1972年与上海机械学院合并工学院院址为新上海机械学院总部。

    In 1972 the institute merged with Shanghai Institute of Mechanical with its headquarter on Shanghai Institute of Technology Campus .

  15. 一走进新上海大剧院的走廊一个与众不同的巨型水晶吊灯立马就映入你的眼帘。

    You step into the lobby of the new Shanghai Grand Theatre a huge and unusual crystal chandelier will immediately catch your eye .

  16. 张岩(音)在麦考瑞大学就读之后就定居在悉尼了。他在新上海餐馆订了一份猪肉水饺作为午饭。

    Yan Zhang , who settled in Sydney after studying at Macquarie University , orders a lunch of pork dumplings at the New Shanghai restaurant .

  17. 今天的新上海人,不讲上海话,也有两个特征:一本高学历凭证,一本商品房个产证。

    Today 's new Shanghainese do not speak Shanghai dialect , but also has two characteristics : a high education certification , a real estate certification .

  18. 体现在现代中国城市书写里,无论是传统日渐衰微的古都北京,还是新上海的繁华旧梦,都努力通过都市文化心理和日常生活的呈现来寻回失落的文化记忆和独特的地域意识。

    In the field of modern Chinese urban research , no matter Beijing School or Urban Shanghai , make their efforts to recover the lost memories and unique geo-consciousness through the reveal of urban culture psychology and daily life .

  19. 泰勒斯威夫特在中国一定是超受欢迎!这位乡村歌手的最新上海演唱会门票在一分钟内一举售罄,打破了中国票务史上的最快记录。

    Taylor Swift must be in high demand in China , as the country pop stars latest concert has broken the record for the fastest ticket sales ever in China . Her upcoming show in Shanghai sold out in just one minute !

  20. 泰勒·斯威夫特在中国一定是超受欢迎!这位乡村歌手的最新上海演唱会门票在一分钟内一举售罄,打破了中国票务史上的最快记录。

    Taylor Swift must be in high demand in China , as the country pop star 's latest concert has broken the record for the fastest ticket sales ever in China . Her upcoming show in Shanghai sold out in just one minute !

  21. 提出了新上海一个中心,三个圈层,四个副中心,九个中等城镇主体发展框架,并对城市扩展的模式、动力机制和存在问题进行了探讨。

    Furthermore , it concludes , Shanghai would take on new basic frame " one core , three rings , four sub-cores and nine-middle-towns " . The paper discusses the spatial expansion model , its drive mechanism and existing problems in the urban sprawl .

  22. 分析表明,基础设施的完善、技术水平和消费能力的提高以及产业结构优化升级是新时期上海吸引FDI的有利因素。

    Analysis shows that improvement of infrastructure , technology and consuming capacity and optimal upgrading of industry structure are favorable factors for FDI absorbing in shanghai .

  23. 去年11月,新的上海环贸IAPM商场为大卫·拉切贝尔(DavidLaChapelle)的Tod’s新系列手袋摄影展举办了一个开幕式。

    and in November the new IAPM Mall threw an exhibition opening for David LaChapelle 's photographs of the new line of Tod 's handbags .

  24. 在最新的上海交大排名中,欧洲高校的位置相当低。

    In the most recent Shanghai table Europe fares remarkably poorly .

  25. 新世纪上海城乡一体化发展研究

    On the Urban-Rural Integral Development of Shanghai in the New Century

  26. 新世纪上海都市型旅游的发展趋势

    Development of Metropolitan-Type Tourism in Shanghai in the New Century

  27. 新世纪上海社区党建工作的前瞻

    Prospect of Shanghai Community Party Building in the New Century

  28. 新时期上海警务改革取向

    Orientation of Policing Reform in Shanghai in the New Period of Time

  29. 这说明密度的新老上海人有所不同。

    This shows how the densities of old and new Shanghainese vary .

  30. 新时期上海市燃气负荷规律的探讨

    Discussion on Gas Load Rule in Shanghai