
  1. 根据《中国留学发展报告》,去年中国大学留学生中专业为商科的占25.5%。而2010年这一比例为45.1%。

    Last year , 25.5 percent of Chinese university students who chose to study abroad majored in business . In 2010 , the proportion was 45.1 percent , according to the Annual Report on the Development of Chinese Students Studying Abroad .

  2. 据《2016中国留学发展报告》称,截至2015年,中国在海外留学的学生共有126万人,占世界留学生总数的25%,这意味着每四个留学生中,就有一个来自中国。

    China had a total of 1.26 million students overseas as of 2015 , accounting for 25 % of the world 's total number of students studying outside their native country , meaning one in four such students is from China , according to the 2016 Report on the Development of Chinese Students Studying Abroad .