
  • 网络The American Chamber of Commerce in China;American Chamber of Commerce China;The American Chamber of Commerce
  1. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceChina)前不久开展的一项商务环境调查发现,83%的成员企业受到了中国政府审查互联网的不利影响。

    A recent business climate survey conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce China found that 83 percent of its member companies were negatively affected by Internet censorship by the Chinese government .

  2. 感谢诸位给我这一机会代表中国美国商会致词。

    Thank you for this opportunity to make this presentation on behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce china .

  3. 在今年3月份的一次调查中,中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerce)发现,38%的会员觉得自己在中国市场上不受欢迎,这一比例较2008年的23%有所上升。

    In a March survey , the American Chamber of Commerce found that 38 % of its members felt unwelcome in the Chinese market , up from 23 % in 2008 .

  4. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceinChina)对500家在华美国企业进行的年度“中国商业环境调查”显示,超过三分之一的企业去年营收持平或者为负,这是过去5年来最高的比例。

    More than a third of the 500 companies featured in the American Chamber of Commerce in China 's annual China Business Climate Survey reported flat or negative revenues last year - the highest proportion in the past five years .

  5. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerce)昨日表示,该法“对创新而言是倒退了一步”,因为它对跨境数据流动施加了限制,似乎“着重于贸易保护主义而非安全”。

    The American Chamber of Commerce in China said yesterday that the law was " a step backwards for innovation " because it placed restrictions on cross-border data flows and seemed " to emphasise protectionism rather than security . "

  6. 中国美国商会会长詹姆斯倠默尔曼(JamesZimmerman)表示,经营方面的担忧仍是主要原因,但中国政府在刑事司法等领域的专断也是一个因素。

    Business concerns remained the main reason , said Jim Zimmerman , the chamber 's chairman , but government assertiveness in areas such as criminal justice was also a factor .

  7. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceinChina)会长孟克文(ChristianMurck)表示,1月份史无前例的严重污染,对某些外籍家庭来说是一个“转折点”,他知道有“很多人”正因此计划离开这里。

    Christian Murck , president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China , said the unprecedented levels of pollution in January had been a " tipping point " for some families and he knew of " many people " who are planning to leave as a result .

  8. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceinChina)和总部在波士顿的贝恩咨询公司今年的一项调查显示,有85%的受访者表示,他们认为中国的知识产权执法在过去五年里有所改善。

    A survey this year by the American Chamber of Commerce in China , published with Bain & Company , a consulting firm based in Boston , found that 85 percent of respondents said they believed China 's enforcement of intellectual property rights had improved in the last five years .

  9. 威凯平和而德律师事务所(WilmerHale)管理合伙人、中国美国商会副会长莱斯特圠斯(LesterRoss)表示,企业担心中国正在起草的反恐、国家安全等法律可能对他们在华经营的能力造成“严重影响”。

    Companies fear antiterrorism and national security laws that are being drafted may have " serious implications " on their ability to operate in China , said Lester Ross , a managing partner at law firm WilmerHale and vice-chairman of the chamber .

  10. 这份调查是中国美国商会对成员公司年度调查的一部分。

    S.companies feel increasingly discriminated against as they work to break into the Chinese marketplace .

  11. 中国美国商会的2010年商务环境调查显示,美国企业正普遍拓展其在华业务。

    US companies are generally expanding operations in China , according to the2010 AmCham-China Business Climate Survey .

  12. 中国美国商会的主席威廉·蔡瑞德表示,调查显示,这些损害多来自美国方面。

    AmCham China President William Zarit says their survey also shows these damages are more from the US side .

  13. 由中国美国商会组织的复工包机载着87名乘客从旧金山飞往北京。

    The Back to Work Charter Flight organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in China carried 87 passengers to Beijing from San Francisco .

  14. 古铁雷斯在中国美国商会和美中商业委员会发表演说时敦促中国企业更多地在美国投资。

    In a speech to the American Chamber of Commerce in China and the U.S. - China Business Council , Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez encouraged more Chinese investment in the United States .

  15. 他们是最可能将在中国的产能迁至拥有更大增长潜力市场的企业。四分之一的中国美国商会成员企业过去三年间已做出此类决定。

    They are the most likely to move their China capacity to markets with better growth potential , a decision that a quarter of member companies took in the past three years .