
  • 网络Galahad;Sir Galahad
  1. 在梅尔像完美骑士加拉哈德爵士(SirGalahad)一样冲向小费这堵防守严密的墙壁时,很多餐厅老板会站在墙后观望。

    As he launches himself like Sir Galahad at this heavily defended wall , a great many restaurateurs are going to be looking on from behind the parapet .

  2. 但这一伟业由他的儿子加拉哈德完成了。

    But his son , Sir Galahad , did .

  3. 加拉哈德爵士是圆桌骑士中最纯洁高尚的一个。

    Sir Galahad was the noblest and purest of the Knights of the Round Table .

  4. 在寻找圣杯的过程中,加拉哈德做的每一件事都使他无愧于最佳骑士的名声。

    During the search for the Grail , Galahad showed himself to be a superb knight .

  5. 朗斯洛与伊莲有一私生子名叫加拉哈德,后来成了最著名的圆桌骑士之一。

    Lancelot and Elaine had an illegitimate son , Galahad , who became a famous knight of the Round Table .

  6. 但其中只有博斯、加拉哈德和珀西瓦尔三人足够圣洁,有资格找到圣杯。

    However , only the three knights --- Bors , Galahad and Perceval were pure enough to be able to find the Grail .

  7. 但其中只有博斯、加拉哈德和珀西瓦尔三人足够圣洁,有谑胳找到圣杯。

    However , only the three knights & Bors , Galahad and Perceval were pure enough to be able to find the Grail .

  8. 高文也中途作罢,只有三个骑士——博斯、珀西瓦尔和加拉哈德由于纯洁无暇在戈比尼克城堡见到了圣杯。

    Gawain gave up the search . Only three knights --- Bors , Galahad , and Perceval --- were pure enough in life to find the Grail in the castle of Corbenic .

  9. 加拉哈德是朗斯洛与伊莲的儿子,由一个修女抚养大,15岁时时见到朗斯洛,朗斯洛把他训练成骑士,带到亚瑟王的宫廷里。

    Galahad was the son of the knight Lancelot and the lady Elaine . He was brought up by a nun until , at age 15 , he was introduced to his father , who made him a knight and accompanied him to Arthur 's court .