
zhàn zhēng xiǎn
  • war risk
战争险[zhàn zhēng xiǎn]
  1. 保险:按cif值加10%投保海洋运输全险和战争险。

    Insurance : To be effected by the seller , covering marine All Risks and War Risk for 110 % CIF value .

  2. 在CIF术语下保险通常是按照中国保险条例投保一切险和战争险。

    Under CIF term insurance usually covers all risks and war risk as per the China Insurance Clauses , please confirm this urgently .

  3. 请将此货投保一切险及战争险。

    Please insure the goods against all risks and war risk .

  4. 除了水渍险和战争险外,你们还保其它险吗?

    Do you cover risks other than W.P.A. and War Risk ?

  5. 到岸价格加战争险费海上货物运输战争险

    Cost insurance freight and war risk Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks

  6. 我们将为你方投保一切险和战争险。

    We shall cover all risks and war risk for you .

  7. 比如,战争险,盗窃和提货不着险。

    For instance : War Risks , TPND and SRCC .

  8. 我们将按一般惯例投保水渍险和战争险。

    We shall cover insurance against WPA and War Risks as usual .

  9. 海上货物运输战争险

    Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks forwarder 's certificate of transport

  10. 请注意保险只包括平安险和战争险。

    b.Please note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only .

  11. 国际海事卫星备用遇险报警系统海上风险和船舶战争险

    INMARSAT back-up distress alerting network marine and war risks

  12. 这样我们就替你投保战争险。

    Then we will cover War Risk for you .

  13. 卖方应投保海运一切险及战争险。

    The Seller shall effect marine insurance against All Risks and War Risks .

  14. 这份保单给我们保了一切险和战争险。

    This insurance policy has covered us against All Risks and War Risk .

  15. 年波罗的海航运公会航次租船战争险条款

    Baltic Conference War Risks Clause for Voyage Charter 19381938

  16. 这就是战争险的每一步方法。

    It 's a war with insurance , every step of the way .

  17. 我们只保平安险和战争险。

    We only cover FPA and war risk .

  18. 我方已按发票金额的110%投保水渍险及战争险。

    We have insured W.P.A.and against War Risk at110 % of the invoice cost .

  19. 成本、保险费、运费加战争险价格

    Cost , insurance , freight and war risks

  20. 保险包含破碎险和战争险。

    Insurance covers risks against breakage and war .

  21. 船在暴风雨中互相碰撞。海上风险和船舶战争险

    The boats were buffeted against one another during the storm . marine and war risks

  22. 一切险也包括战争险吗?

    Does All Risks include War Risk ?

  23. 还有一事,你们会保水渍险和战争险吗?

    One more thing , you 'll cover W.P.A.and War Risks , won 't you ?

  24. 美国货物战争险再保兑换

    American cargo war risk reinsurance exchange

  25. 我们已经对我们的货投保了一切险和战争险,金额为合同金额的110%。

    We insure our goods for110 % of order amount against all risks and war risks .

  26. 顺便说一下,我不知道你们除保水渍险和战争险之外,是否还保其他险别。

    By the way , I wonder if you cover other risks than W.P.A.and war risk .

  27. 到岸价格加战争险费

    Cost insurance freight and war risk

  28. 但是从科所沃目前的形势看,我认为应该投保战争险。

    But judging from the recent situation in Kosovo , I think War Risk should be covered .

  29. 阿拉伯战争险保险辛迪加

    Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate

  30. 不。战争险是一种特殊附加险,必须单独投保。

    No. War Risk is a special additional risk , and it has to be arranged separately .