
zhàn lüè tuì què
  • strategic retreat
  1. 战略退却的所以必要,这也是一个理由。

    That is another reason why strategic retreat is necessary .

  2. 当然,战略退却是有困难的。

    Of course , strategic retreat has its difficulties .

  3. 列宁的战略退却思想及其现实意义

    Lenin ′ s thought of tactical fallback and its practical significance

  4. 论资源环境问题背景下中国发展的战略退却

    The Strategic Retreat of the Development in China under the Background of Resource and Environment Issues

  5. 战略退却的目的是为了保存军力,准备反攻。

    The object of strategic retreat is to conserve military strength and prepare for the counter-offensive .

  6. 政治发展还是政治退却&新中国政治发展战略退却思问

    Political Development or " Political Retreat " & Thinking on the Strategic Retreat of Political Development of New China

  7. 条件和形势,不仅仅在战略退却阶段中造成,在反攻阶段中继续地造成着。

    Conditions and situation are created not only in the stage of the strategic retreat , but continue to be created in that of the counter-offensive .

  8. 这里单说战略退却,江西叫做“诱敌深入”,四川叫做“收紧阵地”。

    Here we shall discuss only strategic retreat , which in Kiangsi was called " luring the enemy in deep " and in szechuan " contracting the front " .

  9. 在新的国际环境中,在日本更加困难和我国绝不妥协的条件之下,我国的战略退却阶段便已完结,而战略相持阶段便已到来。

    In the new international situation , as Japan comes up against increased difficulties and China firmly refuses to compromise , the stage of strategic retreat will end for us and that of strategic stalemate will begin .

  10. 所以我们说,红军的战略退却(长征)是红军的战略防御的继续,敌人的战略追击是敌人的战略进攻的继续。

    That is why we say that the Red Army 's strategic retreat ( the Long March ) was a continuation of its strategic defensive and the enemy 's strategic pursuit was a continuation of his strategic offensive .

  11. 十六字诀包举了反“围剿”的基本原则,包举了战略防御和战略进攻的两个阶段,在防御时又包举了战略退却和战略反攻的两个阶段。

    The sixteen-character formula covered the basic principles for combating " encirclement and suppression "; it covered the two stages of the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive , and within the defensive , it covered the two stages of the strategic retreat and the strategic counter-offensive .