
  • 网络market power
  1. 市场支配力将重新回到石油输出国组织(OPEC,欧佩克)成员国手中,要满足日益增长的全球需求,欧佩克是唯一可获得、且成本相对低廉的新石油来源。

    Market power will shift back to the Opec states , the only available and relatively low cost source of new oil to meet growing global demand .

  2. 迄今为止,没有任何证据表明谷歌滥用其市场支配力,但这种可能性是存在的。

    As yet , there is no evidence of Google abusing its market power , but it could do so .

  3. 迪勒称,ITA交易是对互联网生活核心领域的一次正面攻击。他表示,谷歌在利用其市场支配力来获得不公平优势。

    Calling the ITA deal a frontal assault on a core area of internet life , Mr Diller said Google was using its market power to gain an unfair advantage .

  4. 知识产权反垄断法律规制中的市场支配力

    The Market Power in Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property Monopoly

  5. 第二部分与滥用市场支配力有关的知识产权许可中的反垄断法律问题。

    Part II analyze the antimonopoly problems of licensing of intellectual property right of relevant abuse market domination .

  6. 对于横向并购,企业进行横向并购的主要动因在于追求规模经济效应,横向并购中的规模经济效应来源于成本下降、市场支配力的增强以及垄断等。

    Scale economics coming from horizontal M & A lay in cost fell and market power enhance as well as monopoly .

  7. 此外,即使是在确实存在市场支配力的领域,哈伯格教授也认为其影响可能要比我们想象的小。

    And even where market power is real , Prof Harberger 's point was that it may matter less than we think .

  8. 最显而易见的结论是,随着企业将越来越多的业务转移到中国和印度,西方劳动力将失去市场支配力。

    The most obvious conclusion is the loss of market power by western labour as companies transfer more and more activities to China and India .

  9. 滥用市场支配力的知识产权许可行为主要有独占许可、标准化许可、拒绝许可、歧视性许可和掠夺性许可等。

    The behavior of abusing market domination licensing primarily contain monopoly licenses and standardize to license , refusal to license , discrimination licenses and predatory licenses .

  10. 它意味着没有一家公司有真正的市场支配力,而网络效应(即人们看见其他人使用某个服务,就去跟风使用某个服务)也会因此降到最低。

    That means that no company can have any real market power , and network effects people using a service because other people are using the service are minimal .

  11. 一些具有市场支配力的经营者通过实施搭售行为达到其特定的目的,排除了竞争对手,破坏了自由竞争的市场秩序。

    Some managers with market power can achieve its specific purpose through the implementation of tying arrangement , which also excludes competitors and undermines free competition and market order .

  12. 市场支配力的认定要从相关的产品和服务市场上加以分析,拥有知识产权本身并不等于就拥有市场支配力。

    The affirmation of market domination takes into the analysis with the service market from the related product . Owning the intelligent property right oneself is unequal to owning the market domination .

  13. 由于自身的特殊性,建设这一目标模式需要公用企业反垄断采取行为主义垄断控制制度,而不能采取结构主义控制制度,从而把滥用市场支配力的行为设定为被限制的对象。

    Due to the particularity in itself , anti-monopoly of communal company adopted the action controlling system but not the structuralism controlling system , taking the behavior of abusing market ascendant as the restraining emphasis .

  14. 由于此种行为可以妨碍竞争者的正常交易,进而加强优势企业的市场支配力,改变该行业的集中度,形成垄断的后果,故在当今各国已经制定的竞争法律之中,此类行为都无一例外受到禁止。

    Because they disturbs the normal business , further strengthens the market ascendancy of advantageous enterprises , changes the centrality of this trade and leads to the monopolization , these sorts of behaviors are all forbidden in legislated competition laws of various countries .

  15. 对于市场主体通过正当竞争手段获得的市场支配力,法律应赋予其垄断权;

    This paper develops a new point of view that the market subject 's dominating power obtained by fair competition should be a monopoly right .

  16. 从法律的角度分析,滥用市场支配地位行为是指具有市场支配地位的企业利用其市场支配力危害竞争、损害公共利益与私人利益因而应当承担法律责任的行为。

    In laws , the abuse of market ascendancy refers to the action of the enterprises that have market ascendancy should be charged with legal liability because of hurting the competition and harming the public and personal interest by using the market ascendancy .

  17. 运用净配置效应分析了电力市场的竞争效率问题,指出在电力市场的结构设计中,既要考虑市场净配置效应,又要考虑市场支配力参数。

    It also deals with competition efficiency of electricity market by way of net allocation effect . It points out that both net allocation effect of the market and market power factor should be taken into consideration in the structural design for electricity market .