
ɡuō lú rónɡ liànɡ
  • boiler capacity
  1. 煤气热电联产系统锅炉容量与煤气产量的匹配

    Matching of boiler capacity and gas output in system of town gas-heat-power co-generation

  2. 锅炉容量,锅炉蒸发量冷却剂压缩成液态后,在蒸发时能吸收大量的热。

    Boiler capacity Having been compressed to a liquid , the cooling substance can take in a large quantity of heart when evaporating .

  3. 热水供暖锅炉容量和台数的确定

    Determination of the capacity and number of heating boilers

  4. 泄漏噪声声强级与锅炉容量的关系;泄漏噪声声强级与泄漏孔径的关系;

    The relationship between the level of the intensity of the leak noise and the capability of boiler ;

  5. 工业锅炉容量增大时,痕量元素在细颗粒上富集;

    With the increase in power capacity of industrial boilers an enrichment of trace elements can be observed in fine particles .

  6. 随着锅炉大容量、高参数发展和环保要求的提高,对CFB脱硫效果尤其受到重视;

    With the development of boiler with huge capacity and high parameters , and highly environmental protection requirement , the desulfurization of CFB boiler characteristics are increasingly concerned ;

  7. 汽轮机与锅炉的容量匹配和超压运行

    Turbine / Boiler Matching and Over - pressure Operation

  8. 利用电厂锅炉富裕容量发电的尝试

    Essay of Power Generation Using Surplus Capacity of Boilers

  9. 汽轮机的功率选择和与锅炉的容量匹配,直接影响机组容量的大小。

    Proper choice of turbine output to match boiler capacity has a significant influence on unit 's capacity .

  10. 模型充分考虑了电锅炉安装容量、弃风情况、煤价上涨等各类因素。

    The model has taken electric boiler installation capacity , wind power curtailment condition , coal price rising and other kinds of factors into consideration sufficiently .

  11. 为了满足电力需要,火力发电厂锅炉单机容量不断增加,但同时存在着锅炉燃烧效率低、污染物排放水平高等问题。

    In order to meet the needs of electricity , the unit capacity boilers are growing in power plant . However , the following problems exist on the operation : the low combustion efficiency and high levels of pollutant emissions .

  12. 我国电站锅炉向大容量、高参数发展,锅炉工质的压力、温度都进一步提高。

    As the development of power plant boiler toward large capacity and high parameter , the pressure and temperature are further improved in China .

  13. 随着技术的成熟,容量不断增加,已经从工业锅炉、中小容量电站锅炉发展到大型电站锅炉。

    With the development of technology , the capacity increases continually , from the industrial boiler , medium capacity utility boiler to large one .

  14. 以实例简要阐述了哈尔滨锅炉厂大容量褐煤锅炉的设计原则、运行状况及存在的问题。

    Describes with examples the design principle for the large capacity brown coal boilers of Harbin Boilers Co. , Ltd , the performance of these boilers and existing problems .

  15. 锅炉带大容量旁路启动,能确保汽轮机启动的蒸汽品质,大大减轻汽轮机固体颗粒侵蚀,甚至替代冲管等。

    The boiler with large bypass system start-up can ensure the steam quality for turbine start-up , protect turbine from the erosion of solid particles effectively and even replace the steam blowing-out .

  16. 随着循环流化床锅炉向大容量和高参数方向发展,锅炉炉膛尺寸不断增大,给煤扩散不均匀性的问题日益突出。

    As CFB boiler is developed in the direction of large capacity and high parameters , the boiler furnace sizes are enlarged step by step leading growing inhomogeneity diffusion problems of coal feeding .

  17. 进一步,给出了根据电网弃风情况确定电锅炉最优安装容量的计算方法。最后,以当前我国三北地区电网真实的数据为基础,利用该模型对方案实施的国民经济性进行了分析。

    Furthermore , give the method of calculating the optimal electric boiler installation capacity according to the wind power curtailment condition . Finally , based on the real data in the power grid of northern China , use the model to analyze the national economics of implementing the method .

  18. 随着我国燃煤电站锅炉的装机容量不断增加,NOx排放带来的环境污染问题也越来越严重。

    The pollutant problem of NOx emission becomes more and more serious with coal fired boilers increasing .

  19. 我国电站中应用旋流式燃烧器的锅炉约占总容量的20%。

    The capacity of the power station boilers equipped swirling burners accounts for 20 % of the total capacity in our country .

  20. 给定了热水锅炉供热方式的锅炉容量、放热管长度、配管方法、热水的流量的设计方法;

    About heating by hot water , the design method of the capability of the boiler , the lengths of the radiative pipeline , tubing method , flux of the hot water were presented in this thesis .

  21. 分析了集中供热锅炉房目前存在的锅炉容量储备系数过高、动力设备裕量过大且调节方式不合理、运行管理不力及对负荷波动适应能力差等问题;

    The problems existing in central heating boiler room , such as the excessive coefficient of capacity reserve , the excessive margin of power unit and unreasonable control mode , the neglected management and low adaptability of load surge , etc.

  22. 燃煤电站锅炉NOX的排放特性不但与燃烧技术有关,而且与煤种、炉温、锅炉容量、锅炉结构以及运行参数等因素有关。

    The NO X emission property of coal fired boiler in power plant is not only concerned with combustion technique , but also with other factors such as coal characteristics , furnace temperature , boiler capacity , boiler structure and operation parameters .