
  • 网络smoothing agent;lubricant;leveling agent;slip agent
  1. 添加剂C作为平滑剂,不仅能增强镀层表面的平整性,而且能提高镀液的分散能力;

    Additive agent C used as leveling agent can not only make the depostis level off , but also improve the dispersive ability of the bath ;

  2. 浆纱用后上平滑剂代替后上蜡

    Replacing Wax with Smoothing Agent for Sized Warp

  3. GH系列丝光羊毛平滑剂的研制

    Preparation of mercerized wool smooth agent GH series

  4. KHM-01高效平滑剂取代PVA的高压上浆实践

    High-pressure sizing practice by use of high efficient KHM-01 smooth agent to replace PVA

  5. KHM-01高效平滑剂用于纯棉产品的上浆实践

    Sizing Practice of Cotton Product with KHM 01 Effective Smooth Agent

  6. 介绍了GH-6820、6822系列丝光羊毛平滑剂的合成方法和应用概况。

    Syntheses and perfomances of wool smooth agent GH series ( GH-6820 ? 6822 ) were introduced .

  7. 讨论了丝光羊毛平滑剂的主要成分:氨基硅油、107胶、GH-108平滑促进剂对产品性能的影响。

    Main components of mercerized wool smooth agent , such as silicon oil ? 107 gum ? smooth promoter GH-108 influencing the behaviors of the products were investigated .

  8. 高强平滑剂在纯棉品种上浆中的应用

    Application of Effective Smooth Agent Used in Cotton Sizing

  9. 本文介绍天津、北京地区棉纺织厂浆纱采用后上平滑剂代替后上蜡的生产经验。

    The experiences were described about using smoothing agent to replace wax for sized warp of cotton mills in Tian Jin and Bei Jing .

  10. 此外,使用自制的聚醚作为主要平滑剂调配出锦纶6帘子线油剂,工业使用实验取得了满意的效果。

    Moreover , PA6 tire cord spin-finishes were prepared using homemade polyether as main smoothness additive , whose effect of industry application test is satisfactory .

  11. 研究了镀液中稳定剂、平滑剂、光亮剂、表面活性剂含量及操作条件对镀液及镀层性能的影响。

    The influences of operation conditions and the contents of stabilizer , smoothing agent , brightener and surfactant on the properties of the solution and the deposits were studied .

  12. 探讨了油剂对锦纶6帘子线质量的影响,确定了平滑剂为相对分子质量5000的聚醚及脂肪酸双酯。

    The effects of finishes on the quality of PA6 tyre cord were studied . Polyether with relative molecular weight of 5 000 and aliphatic dibasic acid ester were used as lubricants .

  13. 以高碳醇磷酸酯盐为主体,以脂肪胺醚、高碳酯醚作为平滑剂,以高碳甜菜碱为柔软剂,以蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚和烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚为乳化剂设计了油剂配方。

    An optimized spinning finish formulation for PAN staple fiber was developed in which high alkyl phosphate was used as the main antistatic agent , aliphatic amine polyoxyethylene and alkyl polyoxyethylene ester as lubricant , high alkyl betaine as softer , castor oil polyoxyethylene and alkylphenol polyoxyethylene as emulsifier .

  14. 为使羊毛织物获得较好的平滑手感,采用羟基硅油平滑剂对羊毛织物进行平滑整理并对整理工艺进行了探讨。

    In order to make the wool fabric obtain better smooth feel , the hydroxyl silicone oil was carried out to finish wool fabric .