
  • 网络internal pressure
  1. 本文采用降低热导池检测器(TCD)内压强的方法,成功解决了气相毛细管柱与TCD联用的难题。

    The problem of conjunction method between gas chromatograph and thermal conducting detector ( TCD ) has been solved by decreasing the inner pressure of TCD .

  2. 刚性轴对称狭窄血管内压强及其梯度的研究

    Pressure and Pressure Gradient in an Axisymmetric Rigid Vessel With Stenosis

  3. 水库泄洪洞内压强分布方案研究

    The Scheme for Pressure Distribution of Discharge Tunnel in a Reservoir

  4. 随风口鼓风速度的增加,炉内压强值增加。

    With the blast velocity increasing , the pressure in the furnace increases .

  5. 提高推力器内压强是减小粘性影响的一种有效手段。

    It is an effective methods to reduce negative influence of gas viscosity by increasing the pressure in micro-thrusters .

  6. 计算给出一系列不同输入微波功率、工质流量及放电管内压强条件下合理的发动机性能参数。

    A series of MPT performances under the different conditions of input microwave power , mass flow rate and pressure were computed .

  7. 旋转和不旋转情况下的计算结果对比表明,旋转使发动机内压强增高,工作时间缩短,拖尾段加长。

    Computation shows that the spinning of SRM makes the pressure in combustion chamber high , action time short and the pressure descending stage long .

  8. 窑内压强制度(曲线)是窑内气体流动的外观表现,是最易测量且能较好反映气体合理流动的参数。

    The pressure curve is the external appearance of gas flow in a kiln . This parameter not only can reasonably represent the gas flow but also can be easily measured .

  9. 利用循环式空泡水洞,对航行体模型的通气超空泡内压强分布及其对空泡尾部流场的影响情况进行了实验研究。

    A series of experiments about supercavitating flow around underwater vehicle are conducted in a high-speed cavitation water tunnel to investigate the pressure distribution in the supercavity and the properties of rear flow field near the supercavity .

  10. 足后跟H1和H2区域内的压强随着鞋跟高度降低而逐渐增高。

    Heel H1 and H2 in the region with the heel height to reduce the pressure gradually increased .

  11. 提出一种用于评估固体火箭发动机内弹道压强&时间曲线(P-T曲线)的多样本时间序列方法。

    A reliability evaluation method for P-T curve based on multi-sample time series analysis is proposed .

  12. CW-1型真空度稳定仪能把被控容器内的压强控制在1托~10~(-6)托之间,随需要连续可调。

    Cw-1 type pressure stabilizer can control pressure of the controlled chamber between 1 to 1 × 10 ~ ( - ) 6 tort , may be continuous adjusted according to demand .

  13. 血液循环时动脉内的压强。

    The pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries .

  14. 大鼠心血管系统内血液压强分布的研究

    Study on distribution of blood pressure in the cardiovascular system of rat

  15. 密封充气器件内气体压强的测定

    Measurement of gases pressure in sealed gas - filled devices

  16. 电子管内残气压强的确定

    Determinaton of Residual Gas Pressure in Electron Tube

  17. 本文分析了集热管内气体压强对于气体导热的影响。

    The influence of pressure in glass collector tubes on gas conduction has been analysed .

  18. 旋流条件下通气孔通风量和环流空腔内气体压强的变化规律

    The Change Law of Gas Pressure in the Circulation Cavity and Ventilating Quantity of Vent Under Swirl Condition

  19. 超声速进气道的性能优劣决定了补燃室流场内的压强和空气流量,进而影响到冲压发动机的工作性能。

    The performance of supersonic inlet determines the pressure and the air flux in combustor , then affect the work of ramjet .

  20. 下游水位对空腔内气体压强有明显的影响,在某一下游水位时空腔内的气体压强有最小值。

    The air pressure is obviously influenced by the down water level and has a minimal value for some down water level .

  21. 提示随着体重的升高,穿着高跟鞋行走时前脚掌区域内的压强有着明显增大的趋势。

    Tip With the increase of body weight , wearing high heels before walking foot pressure within the region there is a clear trend of increasing .

  22. 在上述实验研究的基础上,通过对多级环流反应器内静压强分布和流动阻力的理论分析,本文推导出多级环流反应器结构的计算方法和反应器正常运行的判据。

    On the basis of experiments and theoretical analyses of the pressure profile along the draft tube , a detailed calculation and design approach for the multistage loop reactor is proposed .

  23. 本文探索了锆-4合金管内气体压强的无损检测的方法及离子辐照对锆-4合金耐腐性能的影响。

    The Non-destructive Testing ( NDT ) methods of the measurement of the pressure in zircaloy-4 tube and the effect of ion implantation on its corrosion behavior were discussed in this paper .

  24. 通过波浪模型试验量测了模型样本的堤前反射系数、堤心内的压强大小及其分布、堤后的透射波高。

    By means of wave model experiments , measure the wave 's reflection coefficients in front of breakwater , the pressure sizes and distributions inside of breakwater , and the wave weights behind breakwater .

  25. 宽尾墩与消力池组成的联合消能形式具有消能率高的特点,但也存在着消力池内的压强分布不均匀,最大冲击压强及动水压强集中度过大的问题。

    Though the energy dissipation efficiency associated of flaring gate piers with stilling basin is higher , there still are some drawbacks , such as non-uniform pressure distribution and over concentration of hydrodynamic pressure in stilling basin .

  26. 结果表明在局部扩张血管段内,压强与均匀血管段的结果相比略有提高,而切应力则明显下降,对血管组织起一定的影响。

    Results show that in the local vessel expansion section , the pressure is slightly larger than that in the uniform vascular section , and that the shear stress decreases significantly , which will have some effects on vessel tissues .

  27. 空化是指液体内局部压强降低于该液体的饱和蒸气压时,液体内部或液固交界面上出现的蒸气或气体空泡的形成、发展和溃灭的过程。

    Cavitation is a process that vapor or gas vacuoles appearing in the liquid or on the liquid-solid surface form , develop and collapse when the partial pressure within the liquid is lower than the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid .

  28. 换句话说,当压强从容器内的,压强变到容器外的压强的时候,物质的摩尔体积,going,from,the,pressure,out,here,不会发生变化。

    In other words , the molar volume of liquid A isn 't going to change significantly , A to the pressure in here .

  29. 设计了一种用于测量模压腔体内大荷载压强的光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)压强传感器。

    Design a kind fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) pressure sensor for measuring the large load pressure in mold chamber .

  30. 计算了多种工况参数下PM发动机缸内温度、压强变化规律,分别讨论了压缩比、过量空气系数、多孔介质温度、多孔介质体换热系数等参数对多孔介质发动机燃烧过程的影响。

    Pressure and temperature in the PM engine are calculated under various working conditions . Influences of operating parameters such as compression ratio , equivalence ratio , temperature and volumetric heat transfer coefficient of the porous medium on combustion process of the PM engine are analyzed .