
  • Alsace
  1. 雷司令也生长在阿尔萨斯(Alsace)、澳大利亚、俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚州。

    Riesling is also grown in Alsace , Australia , Oregon and California .

  2. 我在阿尔萨斯(alsace)地区长大在运河边的斯特拉斯堡(strasbourg);我的家族从事煤加工。

    I grew up in Alsace in Strasbourg , by the canal ; the family business was coal handling .

  3. 法国于1871年将阿尔萨斯—洛林割让给德国。

    Alsace-Lorraine was ceded to Germany by France in 1871 .

  4. 我会送你一只阿尔萨斯小狗作为圣诞节礼物。

    I 'll get you an Alsatian pup for Christmas .

  5. 提姆·坎贝尔:对兽人的爱好者而言&包括我自己,很遗憾的是,冰封王座中采用的是阿尔萨斯VS伊利迪安主线,而兽人的故事情节配合不上。

    Tim Campbell : Unfortunately for orc fans like myself , their storyline just didn 't work well with the Arthas-versus-Illidan direction that we took in the expansion .

  6. 插卡,然后将你的酒杯装满泡沫丰富的阿尔萨斯美酒,比如每杯3.75欧元的尾犁(QueuedeCharrue),一种脆爽辛辣的金色啤酒,用泉水和大麦酿制而成。

    Fill one with credit and then fill your mug with Alsatian suds like Queue de Charrue ( 3.75 euros ) , a crisp , spicy blond brew made with spring water and barley .

  7. 西万尼在法国阿尔萨斯(Alsace)大量种植,但却在雷司令(Riesling)和琼瑶浆(Gewurztraminer)的映衬下黯然失色。

    It flourishes in the Alsace region of France , where it 's all but overshadowed by Riesling and Gewurztraminer .

  8. 香气浓郁丰富,有桃子味。口感结实且引人喜爱。出自阿尔萨斯(Alsace)明星酿酒师之手。

    Very broad , peachy , intense nose and then a firm , grippy palate from one of the star winemakers of Alsace .

  9. 如果你没有一个阿尔萨斯祖母为你烹制加了山葵的炖牛肉或雷司令炖煮的鸡肉,温暖而装满木梁的Fink’Stuebel饭店是个不错的替代品。

    If you don 't have an Alsatian grandmother to cook you boiled beef with horseradish or riesling-braised chicken , Fink'Stuebel is a warm , wood-beamed substitute .

  10. 一份阿尔萨斯式套餐(7.50欧元)加上一杯Gewürztraminer白兰地,会瞬间温暖你的身体和心灵。

    A Caf é Alsacien ( 7.50 euros ) - spiked with Gew ü rztraminer eau-de-vie - warms body and spirit .

  11. 我发现,在英国,要想遇到阿尔萨斯麝香并非易事,但一旦找到2005年的GustaveLorentz,就能确切知道他的意思。

    It 's not desperately easy to come across Muscat d'Alsace in the UK , I have found , but once I 'd tracked down Gustave Lorentz 's 2005 I could see exactly what he meant .

  12. 我发现有三款产自阿尔萨斯的西万尼非常棒,这三款酒分别由AlbertBoxler、Dirler-Cade和DomaineOstertag酿制——在阿尔萨斯这个西万尼葡萄仍然不太受关注的地区,这三家酒庄都以酿制西万尼酒而著称。

    I found three very good Sylvaners from Alsace made by Albert Boxler , Dirler-Cade and Andre Ostertag -- all producers noted for Sylvaners in a region where the grape still gets fairly short shrift .

  13. 淳厚的酒需要长期的存放。它最适合德国泡菜,腊肠和阿尔萨斯Munster奶酪,咖喱菜,中国和墨西哥菜,以及其他味道强烈的菜。

    Thick and rich wine , which can age , Gewurztraminer is better with sauerkraut , sausages and the Alsatian cheese Munster , curry seasoned dishes , chinese and mexican cooking and other spiced dishes .

  14. 阿尔萨斯:你还在试着保护这把剑吗?

    Arthas : Still trying to protect the sword are you ?

  15. 阿尔萨斯州的本地居民。麻萨诸塞州的自然历史

    A native or inhabitant of Alsace . Natural History of Massachusetts

  16. 但人人都知道他跟一个阿尔萨斯人搞过!

    But everyone knows she 's done it with an alsatian !

  17. 但他们从未尝过1472年的阿尔萨斯白葡萄酒。

    But they 've never tried the Alsatian white from 1472 .

  18. 阿尔萨斯狼狗看上去像狼,并以凶猛闻名。

    Alsatians look like wolves and have a reputation for being fierce .

  19. 请参与2007年7月24日-阿尔萨斯香魅时光!

    Join also Alsace Magic Moment on 24 July 2007 !

  20. 阿尔萨斯:我眼前只有无尽的黑暗。

    Arthas : I see only darkness before me .

  21. 1870年,普鲁士赢得普法战争,阿尔萨斯继而划归德国。

    Germany took Alsace after the Franco-Prussian War in1870 .

  22. 世间再也没有阿尔萨斯了,唯有巫妖王尚存。

    There is nothing left of Arthas , only the Lich King remains .

  23. 阿尔萨斯咆哮着,你没看到玛尔甘尼斯对我的祖国做了些什么。

    You weren 't there to see what Mal'Ganis did to my homeland .

  24. 乌瑟尔向国王泰瑞纳斯报告了阿尔萨斯的行动。

    Uther informs King Terenas of Arthas 's actions .

  25. 很明显阿尔萨斯又有一个新的拥护者&我们的老知己伯瓦尔!

    Apparently Arthas got a new champion * our good old friend Bolvar !

  26. 你是来措置阿尔萨斯的?

    You have come to bring Arthas to justice ?

  27. 葡萄品种:50%阿尔萨斯麝香,50%奥内托麝香。

    Grape Varieties : 50 % Muscat d'Alsace & 50 % Muscat Ottonel .

  28. 玩家将会最后遭遇阿尔萨斯本人么?

    Will players actually get to encounter Arthas himself ?

  29. 杀死阿尔萨斯的时机到了。

    The time has come to kill Arthas .

  30. 阿尔萨斯:都结束了么,父亲。

    Arthas : Father , is it over ?