
  • 网络Azis;AGIs;Agistri;herman aguinis;Marcus Agius
  1. 阿吉斯表示,戴蒙德和昨日同时辞职的巴克莱银行首席运营官杰里德尔密斯耶(jerrydelmissier)选择“将巴克莱的未来置于自身职业生涯之上”。

    Mr Agius said Mr Diamond and Jerry del Missier , chief operating officer who also resigned yesterday , had " chosen to put the future of Barclays ahead of their own careers " .

  2. 马库斯•阿吉斯(MarcusAgius)准备于今日辞去巴克莱(Barclays)董事长职务,以缓解政界人士和公司股东对该行在银行间拆借利率操纵案中所扮角色的不断高涨的批评声浪。

    Marcus Agius is poised to resign as chairman of Barclays yestoday , in the hope that his departure will take the sting out of mounting criticism from politicians and shareholders over the bank 's role in the price-fixing of interbank lending rates .

  3. 但阿吉斯并非唯一的监护者。

    But he was not the only guardian .

  4. 如今,他紧跟前任董事长马库斯•阿吉斯的脚步下台,后者昨天刚刚辞职。

    He follows former chairman Marcus Agius , whose career at Barclays ended yesterday .

  5. 阿吉斯表示,戴蒙德已自愿放弃总计2000万英镑的往年递延奖金,尽管巴克莱的业绩状况意味着他本来就不太可能拿到全额奖金。

    He said Mr Diamond had voluntarily agreed to forgo prior-year deferred awards worth up to £ 20m , though performance conditions meant he was unlikely ever to have received the full amount .