
  1. 管车班的后面挤上了阿祥来,神气非常颓丧。

    Ah Hsiang squeezed through from behind the forewomen , looking very down in the mouth .

  2. 屠维岳看见逃出去的十多人中就有一个阿祥,心里就完全明白了;

    Tu Wei-yueh caught sight of ah Hsiang among those who were running away , and now he understood everything .

  3. 阿祥还关在后边空屋子里,他们捣乱的凭据还在我们手里!

    I 've got Ah Hsiang locked up in an empty room round the back , which means that we 've still got means of proving that they started the trouble .

  4. 因为李频身体不舒服,我就自己去那里了。阿祥也在一处,频频用眼光探询李麻子。

    As Li Pin was not well , I went there myself . Among them was Ah Hsiang , who kept glancing at Pockmarked Li to see what he would do .