
  • 网络Cloth cover;Bouguer;Carole Bouquet
  1. 如果你用一块布盖住宝宝最喜欢的玩具,宝宝会认为玩具已经不见了,因此不会再找了。

    If you cover a baby 's favorite toy with a piece of cloth , the baby thinks the toy has disappeared and stops looking for it .

  2. 在装货前舱底污水井用包装布盖上。

    Cover bilge ( s ) with wrapper before loading .

  3. 请用一块布盖上桌子。

    Please cover this table with a piece of cloth .

  4. 他们用一块纸桌布盖在旧的桌子上。

    They cover the old table with a paper tablecloth .

  5. 我看见他用一块漂亮的布盖在桌子上。

    I saw him cover the desk with a piece of beautiful cloth .

  6. 请把桌布盖在桌子上。

    Please cover the table with a tablecloth .

  7. 你若把那块布盖在婴儿的脸上,你会把他憋死的!

    You 'll smother him if you put that cloth over the baby 's face .

  8. 在地下室里只剩下黑布盖着的马白夫和绑在柱子上的沙威。

    In the tap-room there remained only Mabeuf under his black cloth and Javert bound to his post .

  9. 覆上棺布,以布幕遮盖用或似乎用墓布盖朋友,谁在卡布利特墓室里?

    To cover with or as if with a pall . Who is in the Capulet tomb , my friend ?

  10. 我问她为什么那只鸟从不说话,她告诉我,如果鸟笼给布盖住,它们就不说话了。

    When I asked her why the bird would never talk she told me that birds would not speak when their cage was covered with a cloth .

  11. 当时护士和警察正拿着一块布盖在他身上,所以我只能看到他的头部但光是看到头部,我就知道事情不对劲。

    Nurses and police were holding a cover over him so that I could only see his head - but even from his head , I knew there was something so wrong .

  12. 结果发现,所有的节肢动物都可以作为食物,尽管嘎吱嘎吱的嚼蟋蟀和用台布盖着蝎子的想法会让你起鸡皮疙瘩。

    It turns out , any of those arthropods could be served as food , though , the idea of crunching on a cricket or scarfing down some scorpions might make your skin crawl .

  13. 我听见一个警察在下命令,可我没有睁开眼睛。冷水浇在我的头上,药喂进我嘴里,一块布盖到了我的身上。

    I heard a police - man giving orders but I did not open my eyes.Cold water was thrown over my head , some medicine was put into my mouth , and I was covered with a cloth .