
bù jǐng
  • setting;scenery;composition;composition of painting
布景 [bù jǐng]
  • (1) [setting]∶舞台或摄影场上所布置的景物

  • (2) [composition of painting]∶绘画时按画幅大小在画面上安排景物

布景[bù jǐng]
  1. 这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景。

    The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert .

  2. 因此本文构建了旅游产品体验性设计的宏观RMP模式和以主题、情节、布景、角色和表演为主要要素的微观设计模式,并结合多个案例对这一新的模式进行分析与检验。

    This paper fabricates the macroscopic RMP mode and microcosmic design mode regarding the theme , plot , setting , role and performance as the main elements .

  3. 布景和服装极尽奢华。

    The sets and costumes are lavish .

  4. 几位画家正在一块用作舞台布景的巨大帆布上作画。

    Several painters were working on a huge piece of canvas which would serve as the scenery

  5. 舞台熄灯为的是不让观众看见换布景。

    The stage was blacked out to hide a change of scenery .

  6. 他设计了全部布景和服装。

    He has designed all the scenes and costumes .

  7. 他们在幕前演第二场时,我们可以放下下一幕的布景。

    While they 're playing scene two in front of the curtain , we can drop in the scenery for the next act .

  8. 他想看哈利波特或霍比特人的电影布景。

    He would like to see the Harry Potter or The Hobbit movie sets .

  9. 布景师、舞美师、美发师、摄影师是从国外请来的

    Set decorators , choreographers , hairdressers and photographers were imported .

  10. 他是一个布景设计者。

    He was a set designer .

  11. 许多零售商要到感恩节过完后才会开始摆起节日布景或推广节日特惠活动。

    Many retailers didn 't set up holiday displays or advertise holiday sales until after Thanksgiving was over .

  12. 目前尚未知节目中会出现多少其他布景,但是社交媒体上流传的图片中多次出现莫妮卡公寓中备受喜爱的元素,包括沙发和挂在莫妮卡门上的空相框。

    The revived set - partially , I 'll Be There For You . It remains make an appearance , but pictures circulating on social media appear to show much-loved elements of Monica 's apartment , including the sofa and the empty picture frame on her door .

  13. 当张叔平(WilliamChangSuk-ping)接到他年迈的母亲从香港打来的电话时,他正忙着为一部电影布景。

    William Chang Suk-ping was busy on a Beijing film set when he got a phone call from his octogenarian mother , who lives in Hong Kong .

  14. 在做CG特效之前,为了模拟丽根房间的冰冷,布景温度被设置到冰点以下,工作人员的汗水都结成了冰。

    These being before the days of CG , for the effect of Regan 's cold room , the stage was chilled below freezing , causing the crew members ' perspiration to freeze .

  15. 由于DMX512和DMX512/1990不具备错误检测,因此不适用于某些控制场合&比如烟火控制和布景自动控制。

    DMX512 and DMX512 / 1990 , with their lack of error detection , is NOT appropriate for some applications-such as pyrotechnic control and scenery automation .

  16. 充满活力的白色布景,等待吹风机吹干头发时可以用苹果(ipods)和护目镜来浏览一些流行佳作有了这些,mizu将会比维达沙宣沙龙连锁更加现代化。

    With crisp white interiors , iPods and goggles for screening blockbusters during blow-dries , Mizu will be a more contemporary realm than the Vidal Sassoon salon chain .

  17. 对白是日语,不过在最近一次在横滨进行的带妆彩排中,从风格到舞台布景完全是美国式的,忠于鲍勃·福斯(BobFosse)以轻歌舞剧为灵感的创作——该剧在百老汇已经演了20年。

    The dialogue is in Japanese , but at a recent dress rehearsal here , the attitude and staging wereall-American , loyal to Bob Fosse 's vaudeville-inspired production , which has been running on Broadway for two decades .

  18. 所以他们会为每一部戏剧装饰skene,还是在戏剧进行时切换布景,就像我们现在的做法一样?

    So , did they decorate the skene for each play or , um , change the scenery during the play , like we do today ?

  19. 他们三人说,在一个虚构的位于黎巴嫩和叙利亚边境的难民营的布景现场,有人给了他们一系列支持叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的涂鸦作品用来模仿,并吩咐他们要让自己的作品没有政治倾向。

    The three said that they had been given a set of images of graffiti supporting President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to emulate at the set of a fictional camp on the Lebanese-Syrian border , and they were instructed to make theirs apolitical .

  20. 同样的,他为大都会歌剧院1973年的《鲍里斯·戈都诺夫》(BorisGodunov)设计的两个布景也含有很多宗教标志以及他称之为“非常真实的雕塑”,这些雕塑代表大教堂的一面墙和一面石头墙。

    Similarly , his designs for two sets from the Metropolitan Opera 's 1973 production of " Boris Godunov " feature multiple religious icons as well as what he called " fairly real sculptural pieces " that represent a cathedral wall and a stone wall .

  21. 最后的成果比原计划在Starz播放的剧集规模更加宏大。光是布景建造就雇佣了400人,还不算艺术部门的160人。

    The resulting production is on a scale much larger than the series planned at Starz . The construction crew included 400 people , with an additional 160 in the art department .

  22. 这看起来更像一个电影布景而非酒店。

    It looks more like a film set than a hotel .

  23. 生态的布景可作为进化过程的舞台。

    The ecological setting acts as a stage for evolutionary processes .

  24. 我们需要有人自愿帮忙把布景搭起,画好。

    We need volunteers to help build and paint the set .

  25. 我觉得当名布景师不错。

    It ` d be cool to be an art director .

  26. 我觉得这个音乐喜剧的布景不错。

    I think the settings for this musical comedy is good .

  27. 天空、海洋全都是布景。

    The sky and the sea . Everything is a set !

  28. 布景和服装也都是第一流的。

    The scenery and the costumes are first class , too .

  29. 她谈到怎样成为职业布景设计师。

    She talked about becoming a scene designer as a profession .

  30. 事实上有些出名的布景都系呢度建。

    Actually , some quite well-known sets have been built here .