
  • 网络dementia syndrome;chronic brain syndrome
  1. 目的调查上海市老人日常生活能力(ADL)状况及各类疾病发生率,分析痴呆综合征与其他疾病对老人ADL的影响。

    Objective To study the ADL status and prevalence of medical conditions in aged population in Shanghai , and to analyze the impact of dementia syndrome and other illnesses to ADL performance .

  2. 迅速进展性痴呆是一类进展快速的痴呆综合征,在起病数周至数月内出现智能减退达严重程度。

    Rapidly progressive dementia ( RPD ) is a kind of dementia syndrome which has a much more rapid course than other dementia caused by neural degenerative diseases .

  3. 结论以Alzheimer′s病为主的痴呆综合征是影响老人ADL的严重疾病之一,亟待引起全社会的关注,应加强社区康复及医疗保健措施,以改进社区老人的生活质量。

    Conclusion Dementing disorders such as Alzheimer ′ s disease may lead to severe disturbance of ADL performance in the aged , therefore , the community rehabilitative measures and health care services should be stressed by the society to improve the quality of life of the elderly .

  4. 一例艾滋病痴呆综合征病人HIV-1gp120基因多样性及生物学活性位点分析

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Biological Functional Site of HIV-1 gp120 from a Patient with AIDS Dementia Complex

  5. 设计:以无痴呆综合征的艾滋病患者为研究对象,健康人群为对照组的观察对比研究。

    DESIGN : Observational comparative study based on AIDS patients without chronic brain syndrome and healthy people as the controls .

  6. 背景:原发性进行性失语综合征是一种少见类型的痴呆综合征,国内报道较少。

    BACKGROUND : Primary progressive aphasia syndrome ( PPA ) is an unusual type of dementia , and the relevant reports are very rare in China .

  7. 血管性痴呆(Vasculardementia,VD)为脑血管因素导致脑组织损害而产生的痴呆综合征,临床以记忆力减退,计算、判断、定向等能力下降及精神、行为的进行性障碍为特征。

    Vascular dementia is a syndrome caused by cerebrovascular factors leading to damage to the brain tissue , characterized by poor memory , disability in calculation , judgment and orientation , and progressive mental and behavioral disturbances .