
  • 网络lunge;spike;Stab
  1. 突刺动作的运动学分析

    Kinematics Analysis of the Thrust Movement in the Bayonet Fighting Practice

  2. 花剑:突刺剑,有柔韧的四菱形剑身,带有比重剑小的护手盘。

    Foil : A thrusting sword with a flexible rectangular blade and a smaller guard than the epee .

  3. 羊驼的抗体异常小,能够附着或结合在病毒的部分蛋白质突刺上。

    Unusually small , llama antibodies are able to attach , or bind , to part of the virus 's protein spike .

  4. 细胞呈球形或卵球形,双核相近排列;在夏孢子壁上存在有大量圆椎状的突刺。

    The cells are spherical or ovoid , in which two nuclear was situated closely to each other ; there are plenty of cone-shaped spikes on the wall of urediospore .

  5. 方法采用外关透内关、腰2透腰4横突的透刺法治疗第三腰椎横突综合征66例,并与常规针刺方法治疗45例作对照。

    Method Waiguan-through-Neiguan and Lumbus 2-through-Lumbus 4 and transverse process acupuncture methods were used to treat 66 patients with third lumbar vertebra transverse process syndrome . Forty-five patients were treated by routine acupuncture as a control .