
  • 网络Surface inspection;surface examination
  1. 带钢表面检验中的缺陷分类

    Defect Classification in Surface Inspection of Strip Steel

  2. 依照表面缺陷检验程序做表面检验。

    Inspect for cosmetic acceptability per cosmetic defect inspection procedure .

  3. 非相干衍射法在表面平度检验中的应用

    Application of incoherence diffraction for spection of surface roughness

  4. 全国血站系统乙肝表面抗原检验室间质量评价

    External Quality Assessment of Testing Sera for HBsAg in Nationwide Blood Bank System

  5. 亦可用于对其它产品的尺寸及表面质量检验测量。

    It can be used to perform dimension and surface quality inspection of other products as well .

  6. 并根据此规律提出了得用计算机视觉进行零件表面质量检验的方法。

    The paper point out that the rule can be used to the part surface quality inspection .

  7. 超声机械复合抛光机表面经过检验合格后,可用抛光剂抛光。

    Ultrasonic-mechanic multiplicate polisher When inspection indicates the surface to be filled , a rubbing compound may be used to obtain a high gloss .

  8. 造纸蒸球内表面裂纹的检验和试验分析

    Inspection and Test Analyse of Cracks on the Interior Surface of Spherical Digesters

  9. GB/T6624-1995硅抛光片表面质量目测检验方法

    Standard method for measuring the surface quality of polished silicon slices by visual inspection

  10. 表面分析与检验

    Surface Analysis and Examination

  11. 目前,国内钢球生产厂家大多采用人工目视检查的方法对钢球的表面质量进行检验。

    At present domestic factories for steel balls mostly detect surface quality of steel balls with manual visual method .

  12. 棒、线材质量保证体系与轧制过程的参数检测和表面质量的检验技术相关。

    He quality guarantee system of rod and wire has a close relation with parameter measuring in rolling process and the examining technique of surface quality of red and wire .

  13. 在纺织服装工业生产检验过程中,对于纺织品面料表面疵点的检验和识别研究在国内外已进行了相当长的时间。

    In the process of the production and checkout of textile and garment industry , the textile fabric surface defects inspection and recognition have been conducted for a long time at home and abroad .

  14. 保证带钢最佳表面质量的目测检验系统

    Application of visual inspection systems for assuring best surface quality

  15. 钢轨表面结疤缺陷的检验和分析

    Inspection and Analysis of Rail Surface Defects

  16. 没有应力测量或裂纹表面取样可用于检验,只能依据表面裂纹图形。

    No stress measurements or crack surface samples were available for examination , only the surface crack configuration .

  17. 对高岭土进行了表面改性,检验了改性后的高岭土对纸张的增强效果。

    The surface of kaolin was modified and the modified kaolin was used as a reinforcing agent in paperboard making .

  18. 为了估计各裂纹扩展区,对翼缘和腹板的裂纹表面进行了宏观检验。

    The crack surfaces in the web and flange were subjected to visual examination in order to evaluate crack growth regions .

  19. 采用金相检验和电子探针的方法,对钢轨表面缺陷进行了检验分析。

    In this paper an investigation has been made into rail surface defects by way of metallographical test and electronic probe test .

  20. 胜利石油管理局测井公司对部分测井和实验常用的密封型放射源进行了表面污染与泄漏检验。

    The examination of surface pollution and leakage to part of sealed radioactive source commonly used in logging and experiment are carried out by Well Logging Company of Shengli Petroleum Administrative Bureau .

  21. 在生产加工过程中,钢球表面容易产生缺陷,因此在对成品钢球验收时必须进行表面缺陷检验。

    In the process of production , the steel ball surface is prone to defects , so for acceptance of the finished steel ball , when the surface defect inspection must be carried out .