
  • 网络public speaking;public speech
  1. 来自公共演讲培训公司UKBodyTalk的共同研究人理查德•纽曼建议,双脚应分开站立与肩同宽,站立过程中避免身体乱晃。

    Co-researcher Richard Newman , of public speaking training company UK Body Talk , recommends standing still , with feet shoulder-with apart .

  2. 加入Toastmaster(学习公共演讲)。

    Join Toastmasters ( Learn public speaking ) .

  3. 据一家在芝加哥专门帮助人们如何演讲的公司ExecutiveImage的创办人LindaBlackman说,围绕着公共演讲的恐惧往往分为几大类。

    The fears that surround public speaking tend to fall into a few categories , said Linda Blackman , founder of Executive Image , a Chicago-based company that helps people make presentations .

  4. SCBP的活动从观星和旅游到公共演讲和节日让萨瑟兰的当地社区参与了对话。

    SCBP events from star-gazing and tours to public talks and festivals build a dialogue with the local community in Sutherland .

  5. 等值翻译论视角下的公共演讲词翻译研究

    The Translation of Public Speeches from the Theory of Equal Value Translation

  6. 本文探讨了公共演讲口译中的语法隐喻现象。

    The present thesis explores grammatical metaphor in interpretation for public speeches .

  7. 在公共演讲中,这位市长讲起话来像个歌舞杂耍演员。

    The mayor talks like a vaudeville comedian in his public address .

  8. 我是一名专业文案,专业公共演讲家,以及专业的生活导师。

    I 'm a professional author , professional public speaker and facilitator .

  9. 你说那次公共演讲微不足道?

    Admantha : you call that public tirade subtle ?

  10. 他是剑桥大学的公共演讲师,

    He was the public orator at Cambridge University ,

  11. 最早的记者获取信息主要靠的是文献和公共演讲。

    The earliest reporters access to information depends mainly onthe literature and public speaking .

  12. 后来基尔也采纳了祖母的多样化模式,转向公共演讲和少数族裔企业咨询。

    Gill followed her model by moving into public speaking and minority business consulting .

  13. 探究口译表达中的公共演讲策略

    Research on Public Speaking Strategies in Interpretation Production

  14. 在公共演讲时,许多人都想跟他握手。

    And at public speeches , hordes of people try to shake his hand .

  15. 女:任何希望提高公共演讲能力的人都可以来。

    W : Any individual who wishes to improve his public speaking is welcome .

  16. 这和公共演讲是一样的道理。

    Its the same with public speaking .

  17. 我曾听到不止一位公共演讲培训者提到这一点。

    I have heard this off the cuff from more than one public speaking trainer .

  18. 进修公共演讲课程。

    Take a course in public speaking .

  19. 这些公共演讲的技巧还能帮助你有效减轻演讲前的紧张感。

    Using these public speaking tools will also decrease your pre-speech nerves significantly ! 1 .

  20. 毕业典礼演讲是公共演讲的一种类型,是校园文化的一部分。

    Commencement speaking is one type of public speaking and one part of campus culture .

  21. 奥巴马所发表的公共演讲不计其数,在相同的用语也为奇。

    Presidents talk so much in public that it is not surprising to find rhetorical patterns .

  22. 公共演讲是人们进行交流最有效的方式之一。

    Public speech is one of the most effective ways to communicate with many other people .

  23. 提升你的公共演讲技能。

    Improve your public speaking skills .

  24. 对公共演讲的恐惧被美国人视为在所有恐惧中是排在第一位的。

    Making a presentation in public is the No.1 fear reported by people in the U. S.

  25. 公共演讲的能力对你个人和职业发展有何好处?

    What will the ability to engage in public speaking do for your personal and professional growth ?

  26. 中美大学生英语公共演讲语篇的语篇模式对比研究

    The Contrastive Study of the Text Pattern between American and Chinese College Students ' English Public Speeches

  27. 生活中总有些时候,你会被叫上台做公共演讲。

    At some point in your life , you will be called upon to do public speaking .

  28. 公共演讲会使你放慢速度,并保证你有时间关注语言。

    Public speaking allows you to slow down and be sure you have time to concentrate on the language .

  29. 有趣的是,世界第一恐惧是公共演讲,第二恐惧才是死亡。

    Interestingly , public speaking is the # 1 fear in the world , with # 2 being death .

  30. 她在关于宪法的全国公共演讲竞赛中获得了最高荣誉,赢得了四年的学院奖学金。

    She won a four-year college scholarship , the top prize nationally in a public speaking contest on the Constitution .