
  • 网络EFI;Electronic Fuel Injection;electronic fuel injection system;EFI-Electronic Fuel Injection
  1. 本论文对电子控制燃油喷射系统的模拟仿真研究可以为开发电控系统节省调试电控单元所耗的各种人力物力,为将来自主研发自己的电子控制燃油喷射系统打下打下一定基础。

    By studying the simulation the EFI system in this paper , it can save various kinds of manpower and materials spending on developing & debugging the EFI system , it also can build on a solid foundation of developing our own EFI system independently in the future .

  2. 电子控制燃油喷射系统硬件设计的研究

    The Hardware Design Research of the Electronic Fuel Injection System

  3. 《摩托车电子控制燃油喷射系统(EFI)技术条件》标准的研究与制定

    The Research and Formulation of the Standard " Technical Specification of EFI System Motorcycle "

  4. 汽油发动机电子控制燃油喷射系统(EFI)正在由传统的三元催化控制技术逐渐向HC和CO等有害气体排放更低、燃烧效率更高的贫燃控制技术升级。

    Gasoline engine electronic control fuel injection system ( EFI ) is being used to upgrade gradually from the traditional three-way catalytic control technology to lean-burn combustion control technology with less HC and CO emissions of harmful gases and more efficient .

  5. 介绍了汽车发动机电子控制燃油喷射系统(EFI)的氧传感器(EGO)ZrO2基电解质材料,用氧化物MOn(n<2)对ZrO2进行掺杂改性;

    Summarized were the solid state electrolyte materials used for oxygen sensor in the electronic fuel insufflation ( EFI ) system of the engine . The binary , ternary or multi-component zirconia based solid solution electrolytes were modified by doping with oxide ( MOn , n < 2 ) .

  6. 电子控制燃油喷射系统瞬变过程的模拟

    Simulation of Transient Process in Electron Control Fuel Injection System

  7. 目前,国外柴油机已普遍采用电子控制燃油喷射系统,但我国在柴油机电控燃油喷射技术研究方面起步较晚,水平较低。

    In China , electronic-controlled fuel injection technology research to its late start 、 the lower the level .

  8. 主要阐述了高压电子控制燃油喷射系统的工作原理、特点以及主要技术难点。

    The principle , characteristics and key technique of high injection pressure electronically controlled fuel system are presented .

  9. 文章对装有电子控制燃油喷射系统的卡特彼勒推土机的发动机工作原理和结构特点作了介绍。

    The author described the work principle and structural features of engine on Cat bulldozer with electronic control fuel injection system .

  10. 介绍了大连机车车辆厂引进国外电子控制燃油喷射系统的原理、结构及其装机台架试验的情况。

    The principle , structure and in-engine bench test of foreign electronic-controlled fuel injection system introduced by Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works were presented .

  11. 在电子控制燃油喷射系统软件部分中论述了该系统软件的设计思想和实现方法,包括发动机转速的计算、喷油信号和点火信号的软件控制等。

    In the software part , it has discussed the throughway and realization method of the software , including the account of rotate speed of engine , the control of injecting fuel signal and ignition signal .

  12. 燃油喷射系统的柔性控制是现代柴油机发展的必然趋势,电子控制的燃油喷射系统是实现燃油喷射过程柔性控制的有效手段。

    The flexible control of fuel injection systems is the inexorable trend in modern diesel engines and the effective means to achieve it is electronic control .

  13. 为适应新法规的要求,日本汽车企业进行了一系列的改进,包括日产柴油机公司研发的尿素SCR系统、日野DPF系统以及电子控制超高压燃油喷射装置系统等等。

    To meet the requirements of new laws , Japanese auto enterprises execute a series of improvements including urea SCR system from NISSAN diesel motor company , DPF system from HINO Co. , and electronic control super-high-pressure fuel injection equipment system , etc.

  14. 电子控制是柴油发动机燃油喷射系统实现柔性喷射过程控制的有效途径。

    Electronic control is an effective means for fuel injection system of diesel engine to control injection flexibly .

  15. 随着电子技术的发展,现代汽车电子化水平逐步提高,汽车的喷油系统已经由原来的化油器升级到电子控制燃油喷射系统。

    With the development of electronic technology , the electronic degree of modern automobile gradually improve , the car of the fuel injection system has from the original carburetor upgrade to the electronic control fuel injection system .