
jiē rèn
  • replace;succeed;take over a job
接任 [jiē rèn]
  • [take over a job] 接替某人的职务

接任[jiē rèn]
  1. 所罗门曾是渥太华电视政论节目权利与政治(PowerandPolitics)主持人,此外,他还主持CBC广播电台TheHouse节目。外界曾预期,在CBC主播曼斯布里奇(PeterMansbridge)退休时,现年47岁的所罗门将是接任CBC主播的不二人选。

    Solomon , 47 , was the Ottawa-based host of Power and Politics on television and The House on CBC radio , and had been one of the people touted to replace Peter Mansbridge on The National when the veteran newsman retires .

  2. 现年66岁的麻生太郎(taroaso)是安倍的盟友,也最有可能接任其职务,但他可能要面对现年71岁、处于半退休状态的党内前辈福田康夫(yasuofukuda)的挑战。

    Taro Aso , 66 , an ally of Mr Abe and the most obvious choice to replace him , looked likely to be challenged by Yasuo Fukuda , 71 , a semi-retired party elder .

  3. 她接任书业托拉斯的总裁。

    She took over as chief executive of the Book Trust .

  4. 官方消息人士在公开推测谁有可能成为接任劳伦斯博士的人选。

    Government sources are now openly speculating about a possible successor for Dr Lawrence

  5. 她被选派接任财务主管的职务。

    She was designated to take over the position of treasurer .

  6. 他的职务已由另一同志接任。

    His job has been taken over by another comrade .

  7. 他在1920年接任该报主编时,发现社论版对面的版面“混杂着书评、各类通用文本和讣告”。

    When he took over as editor in 1920 , he realized that the page opposite the editorials was " a catchall for book reviews , society boilerplate , and obituaries2 " .

  8. 谁将代替他的位置?注释:takeover代替,接任。

    Who will take over his position ?

  9. 苹果公司认为应该尽快让库克接任CEO。

    Giving up the CEO title to cook had to be done sooner than later .

  10. 巴茨接任CEO至今已经过了两年半,但现在雅虎面临的问题几乎没有改观。

    Two and a half years later , Yahoo faces pretty much the same problems .

  11. 当鲍尔默于2000年1月份接任CEO的时候,股价依然在50美元以上。

    When Ballmer took over as chief executive in January 2000 , the stock was still over $ 50 .

  12. 自接任CEO之职以来,我就与董事会就继任时机展开了持续对话。

    Since taking on the ceo role , I have had an ongoing dialogue with the board about succession timing .

  13. 莎伦·塔克尔两年前加入威廉姆斯担任销售总监,三个月后接任CEO。

    Sharon Tucker joined Williams two years ago as Sales Director , taking over as Chief Executive three months later .

  14. MyreplacementwillbeMrs.HenriettaBrinkley.我的接任者是亨里埃塔·布林克利女士。这是向他人介绍自己的接任者时使用的表达。

    My replacement will be Mrs. Henrietta Brinkley .

  15. 在四年前的一次会议上,乔布斯的接任者蒂姆•库克(TimCook)强调了这个目标。

    It was an ambition that his successor , Tim Cook , underlined at a conference four years ago .

  16. 曾长期担任卢特尔副手的波普(LarryPope)接任首席执行长,但卢特尔仍担任董事长。

    He was succeeded by Larry Pope , his longtime lieutenant , but remained chairman .

  17. 不过思科对精简后的组织结构和未来有可能接任CEO的罗伯特•劳埃德给予了很高的期望。

    But Cisco has high hopes for its new , streamlined organizational chart and its possible future CEO , Robert Lloyd .

  18. 1997年,他接任英国石油主席,因为他的前任西蒙勋爵(LordSimon)出人意料地加入了刚刚选举获胜的工党(Labour)政府。

    He took over as chairman of BP in 1997 when his predecessor , Lord Simon , unexpectedly joined the newly elected Labour government .

  19. 周二(9月8日),大都会博物馆董事会任命科达的同事、策展人安德鲁·博尔顿(AndrewBolton)接任他的职位。

    On Tuesday the Met board chose Andrew Bolton , his fellow curator , to succeed him .

  20. 而莫尔瑟也只是暂时接任,公司董事会寻找一名新CEO。

    Mr Morse will serve as interim chief executive and the board of directors will look for a new CEO , the company said .

  21. 同样值得关注的是,曼迪罗自2008年7月1日接任CEO,与这5年的时间段完全吻合。

    Equally notable is that the five-year period matches up exactly to when Mendillo took over as CEO , on July 1 , 2008 .

  22. 高达佳1966年从庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)一毕业便加入了电通公司。他在今年7月接任了该公司首席执行长的职务。

    He joined Dentsu fresh out of Keio University in1966 and assumed the role of chief executive officer this July .

  23. 去年夏天,已有6个月身孕的玛丽莎•梅耶尔接任了雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官一职,令世界为之一震。

    Marissa Mayer made a global splash last summer for landing the Yahoo ( yhoo ) CEO job while six months pregnant .

  24. 2001年,在阿根廷发生违约的几个月前,安妮克鲁格(annekrueger)接任imf二把手。

    Anne Krueger took over as second-in-command at the IMF in 2001 just months before the Argentine default .

  25. 如果从未发生过银行业危机,那么,鲍勃戴蒙德(bobdiamond)将接任巴克莱集团(barclays)首席执行官的消息,简直不值一提。

    If there had never been a banking crisis , news that Bob diamond will take over as chief executive at Barclays would barely deserve comment .

  26. 在他接任公司COO一职时,当时Apple公司的股价为54美元,而在今天爆出消息前,Apple公司的股价已经飙升到当年的七倍多。

    On his first business day as COO , Apple shares closed at $ 54.Today before the news broke , it closed at nearly seven times that price .

  27. 星巴克创始人霍华德舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)如今已接任首席执行官一职,希望使该公司重振雄风。

    Howard Schultz , Starbucks ' founder , has now taken over as chief executive to revive its fortunes .

  28. 有一种普遍看法,认为捷克共和国是在一个相当复杂的时刻接任欧盟(EU)轮值主席国的,尽管几乎所有时刻最终都可以被称为复杂。

    It is a common feeling that the Czech Republic is taking over the European Union presidency at a rather complicated moment , even though almost all moments can eventually be called complicated .

  29. 去年,NBA获得了差不多40亿美元与篮球相关的收入,是斯特恩于1984年接任总裁一职时的20倍。

    Last year , the NBA generated almost $ 4 billion in basketball-related income , a twenty-fold increase since stern took over as commissioner in 1984 .

  30. 最终这个职务由法裔美国商人,LVMH集团任职多年的高管迈克尔·伯克(MichaelBurke)接任至今。

    Mr. Constans was replaced by Michael Burke , a French-American businessman and longtime LVMH executive , who remains in that role .