
  • 网络Self phase modulation;spm
  1. 基于自相位调制和交叉相位调制的全光开关特性研究

    Analysis of the Characteristics of All-optical Switch Based on the SPM and XPM

  2. 分析了自相位调制,交叉相位调制和群速度失配对三倍频光脉冲形状以及转换效率的影响。

    The effects of SPM , XPM and GVM on the pulse shape and conversion efficiency have been analyzed .

  3. 基于自相位调制和偏移滤波的全光2R再生

    All-optical 2R Regeneration Based on Self-phase Modulation and Offset Filtering

  4. 自相位调制对超短脉冲在准周期Fibonacci光学超晶格中传输的影响

    Ultra-short Pulse Propagation through a Fibonacci Quasi-periodic Optical Superlattice Influenced by Self Phase Modulation

  5. 观察到Na原子中连续激光的空间自相位调制,分析研究了原子介质中空间自相位调制特点。

    Spatial self-phase-modulation of a continuous wave laser beam was observed in atomic sodium vapor and an analysis about the natures of self-phase modulation in atomic vapor is presented .

  6. 本文主要研究群速度色散对光纤中自相位调制效应SC谱展宽的影响,分析了产生SC谱的物理机制。

    The study based on self phase modulation mechanism and the effects of GVD on SC generation are mostly focused on by analyzing and calculating theoretically .

  7. 光折变晶体LiNbO3:Fe的光束自相位调制

    Light self-phase modulations in photorefractive crystal LiNbO_3 : Fe

  8. 提出了基于PCF自相位调制效应的全光再生的方案,理论和实验上论证了其可行性。

    All-optical regeneration based on self-phase modulation in PCF is proposed and the feasibility of this scheme is investigated both theoretically and experimentally .

  9. 基于量子测量的Fock态制备和自相位调制的影响

    The preparation of Fock states by quantum measurements in a Kerr media and the influence of self-phase modulation

  10. 本文研究了普通的CPM环型染料激光器和棱镜补偿光脉冲的群速度弥散及自相位调制的CPM环型染料激光器的动态性能;

    The paper studied the dynamics performance of the general and the specific CPM dye laser , group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation are compensated .

  11. 理论上分析了该方案利用自相位调制(SPM)效应产生均衡作用的基本原理,指出了该方案所能达到的最佳均衡指标。

    The operation principle based on self-phase modulation ( SPM ) effect is explained and the best achievable performance is given from the analysis results .

  12. 实验表明利用普通单模光纤群速度色散导致的脉冲啁啾抵消SOA自相位调制引起的脉冲啁啾,实现了色散补偿及脉冲压缩。

    The experiment results show that the dispersion compensation and pulse compress are realized by using the pulse chrip induced by group velocity dispersion of single-mode fiber cancelling out the pulse induced by SPM of SOA .

  13. ASE是一种线性的幅度噪声,通过自相位调制转换成相位噪声。

    ASE adds linearly to the signal leading to an amplitude noise that is converted to phase noise through self-phase modulation ( SPM ) .

  14. 分析了光脉冲的自相位调制(SPM)特性,给出了磁光光纤等效非线性系数与本征椭圆偏振光椭圆率的关系。

    For the self-phase modulation ( SPM ) characteristics , the relationship between the equivalent nonlinear coefficient and the ellipticity of eigen elliptical polarized light is obtained .

  15. 自相位调制可用于信号脉冲的整形,可实现归零码(RZ)信号的再生。

    The all-optical regeneration technique about return-to-zero ( RZ ) optical data streams can be implemented by self-phase modulation ( SPM ) .

  16. 本文分析了半导体激光放大器处于增益饱和状态下的自相位调制(SPM)效应,以及SPM效应对传输脉冲波形、相位及频谱的影响。

    In this pager , the self-phase modulation effect in gain saturated semiconductor optical amplifier and its affect on the shape , phase and spectrum of transmission pulse are analyzed .

  17. 通过研究它的光学特性,我们发现,由于自相位调制(SPM),NOLM有压缩光脉冲脉宽的功能。

    Firstly , we find that NOLM has a function of compressing optical pulse width , self-phase modulation ( SPM ) in NOLMs is a crucial reason .

  18. 通过采用分步傅里叶变换法求解非线性薛定谔方程,模拟了啁啾光脉冲有振幅调制和相位扰动下的自相位调制(SPM)对压缩光脉冲对比度和预脉冲宽度的影响。

    Self phase modulation ( SPM ) plays an important role on the compressed pulse in chirped pulse amplification lasers systems . The influences of the SPM with amplitude modulations and phase perturbations on the compressed pulse is simulated .

  19. 从光脉冲的非线性薛定谔方程出发,在忽略色散的条件下,推导并模拟了自相位调制(SPM)非线性效应下的高斯光脉冲的非线性相移、频率啁啾;

    Starting from the nonlinear Schroedinger equation of the optical pulse and neglecting the chromatic dispersion the nonlinear phase shifts and frequency chirps of the Gauss optical pulses caused by the self-phase modulation ( SPM ) are derived and computer simulated .

  20. 结果表明:在DSF中,SC的产生是自相位调制、四波混频、交叉相位调制效应综合作用的结果,其中自相位调制效应起先导作用。

    The results show that the SC generated in DSF is jointly induced by self phase modulation which broadens the entire response spectrum , by four wave mixing and by cross phase modulation , which boost the SC broadening .

  21. 光纤中超连续Supercontinuum(SC)谱的产生源于光纤中各种非线性效应(自相位调制效应、交叉相位调制效应,四波混频效应及受激Raman散射等)和群速度色散的共同作用。

    The origin of Supercontinuum ( SC ) generation in optical fibers has been conjectured to be the interplay between fiber nonlinearities ( self phase modulation , cross phase modulation and Raman self scattering ) and group-velocity dispersion ( GVD ) .

  22. 从时域锁模方程出发,分析了利用非线性偏振旋转(NPE)效应实现锁模的物理机制,详细讨论了腔体损耗、色散、自相位调制、NPE可饱和吸收体对锁模光纤激光器的影响;

    From the time-domain mode-locked master equation , the physical mechanism of nonlinear polarization evolution ( NPE ) mode-locking is analyzed in theory and the affects from cavity losses , dispersion , self-phase-modulation , and NPE saturation absorber have been discussed .

  23. 文中采用饱和吸收体的快饱和模型,使用分步傅利叶方法对描述固体激光器的Haus主方程进行了数值求解,讨论了色散和自相位调制对脉冲形成的影响。

    The Haus master equation which described the femtosecond pulse solid laser dynamics is studied numerically adopting the fast saturable absorber model , and the effects of dispersion and self phase modulation on pulse shaping are discussed .

  24. 当泵浦光和探测光耦合进入硅光子波导器件,会产生自相位调制(SPM),交叉相位调制(XPM),四波混频(FWM)等非线性效应,进而引起两束输入光频谱的变化。

    When the pump and the probe are coupled into the silicon photonic waveguide devices , the two signals will produce the nonlinear effects of self-phase modulation ( SPM ), cross-phase modulation ( XPM ) and four-wave mixing ( FWM ), and cause the changes of the input signals spectra .

  25. 利用自相位调制+频谱滤波抑制超模噪音,实验中当抽运功率在50mW以上时就足可以抑制超模噪音。

    Supermode depression was realized by introducing additive pulse limiting effect using self phase modulation induced spectral spreading in dispersion shifted fiber and spectral bandpass filtering simultaneously . Supermode noise can be depressed enough when the pump power was 50 mW .

  26. 啁啾光脉冲的自相位调制效应对压缩光脉冲的影响

    Effects of self phase modulation of chirped pulses on compressed pulses

  27. 提出了利用高非线性微结构光纤自相位调制效应进行全光再生的研究方案。

    All-optical regeneration based on self-phase modulation in microstructured fiber is studied .

  28. 10Gbit/s色散补偿系统中自相位调制效应的研究

    Effects of Self-phase Modulation on 10Gbit / s Chromatics Dispersion Compensation Systems

  29. 具有饱和非线性的非克尔光纤中自相位调制效应所致啁啾

    Chirp Induced by Self-phase Modulation in Non-Kerr-like Optical Fibers with Saturable Nonlinearity

  30. 基于自相位调制原理的光纤非线性系数测量

    Measurement of Fiber Nonlinear Coefficient Based on Self Phase Modulation