
  1. 赫德担任清季中国海关总税务司近半个世纪,是对近代中国影响最大的外国人之一。

    Robert Hart who is one of the most influential foreigners in modern China has managed Chinese customs for nearly half a century .

  2. 1867&1905年中国海关在总税务司、英国人赫德的策划下承办了中国参加的至少29次国际博览会展览事务。

    Between 1867 and 1905 the Maritime Customs Service sponsored no few than 29 international exhibitions under the initiative of the Inspectorate General of the Imperial Maritime Customs , Robert Hart .

  3. 1926年下半年,南方政府率先宣布征收附加税,从而对海关总税务司安格联提出了挑战。

    In the second half of 1926 , the Canton Government took the lead to levy the Customs Surtax , which put F. Aglen , the Inspector General of the Customs , in disadvantage .

  4. 担任晚清中国海关总税务司近半个世纪的英国人赫德,从他踏上中国的国土起,便注定要扮演“狠角色”。

    Hart takes the office of the Chinese customs officials of Qing dynasty nearly half century , and he is doomed to act the " ruthless role " when he steps on Chinese land .

  5. 赫德在1863年&1908年担任中国海关总税务司,他不仅控制了中国海关,而且其活动涉及政治、军事、经济、文化、外交等诸多方面。

    As the general customs commissioner of the China Customs during 1863-1908 , Robert Hart not only controlled the customs , but also involved in the field of politics , military affairs , economy , cultures and diplomacy of Chinese government at that time .

  6. 赫德担任中国海关总税务司一职长达45年,虽然他不是半殖民地海关的创始人,但他却是中国近代海关一个实际的建造者。

    As we all know , he was an important man in the history of the china-Britain . Being the Chief leader of china customs for 45 years , though he wasn 't the former of the semi-colon customs , he was the real one who created it .