
zǒng chéng
  • assembly;complete;accomplish;do a stroke of business;help sb.to accomplish sth.
总成 [zǒng chéng]
  • (1) [help sb.to accomplish sth.;complete;accomplish;do a stroke of business]∶成全;作成(多见于早期白话)

  • 总成我这桩美事

  • (2) 也作总承

  • (3) [assembly]∶把零部件最后组装成成品

总成[zǒng chéng]
  1. 拆卸阀杆总成(A),并且通过钻孔锁定设置和插入定位销(C)。

    Remove stem assembly ( A ) and lock setting by drilling hole and inserting dowel pin ( C ) .

  2. 汽车电动雨刮器总成(CAD)系统&雨刮电机设计

    Computer Aid Design System for Electric Windshield Wiper Assembly & The Design of Windshield Wiper Motor

  3. 英国A-PΦ330毫米膜片弹簧离合器总成台架试验与探讨

    Bench Test and Discussion of English A-P Φ 330 mm Diaphragm Spring clutch Assemblage

  4. WAVE技术在柴油机曲轴连杆总成部件设计中的应用

    The Application of WAVE Technology to the Design of Crankshaft and Connecting Rod Assembly

  5. 桑车后车架总成CAD模型的建立及其虚拟装配

    Setting of CAD model of back carriage assembly of SANTANA car and its virtual assembling

  6. 以下附加的excel文件总结了软管总成的al购买和操作规范。

    The following attached excel file summaries the Al purchasing and operations specification of hose assemblies .

  7. 燃油分配管总成的结构CAE仿真及实验验证

    CAE Analysis and Testing of Fuel Rail Assembly

  8. HEV的新型分汇流式多能源动力总成

    New Power-split Type of Multi-energy-source Powertrain for HEV

  9. 基于DSP的软件开发平台,对混合动力总成控制系统的软件系统进行了研究和设计。

    Based on the DSP software research platform , the paper has studied and designed the software system of the hybrid power assembly control system .

  10. HEV动力总成硬件在环仿真系统的研究与开发

    Research Development on the Hardware in the Loop Simulation System for the Powertrain of HEV

  11. 分析了发动机激励的特点,运用ADAMS进行了动力总成液压悬置系统的怠速和高速工况下的仿真计算。

    The hydraulic mount system ' simulating calculation on idle working condition and high speed working condition is carried out by ADAMS .

  12. 基于PowerPC的混合动力汽车动力总成控制器研究

    Research on Powertrain Controller of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on PowerPC

  13. 本文所研究的是基于串联式混合动力公交车辆的DSP动力总成控制器,依托于和企业之间的横向研究课题。

    The paper researches and develops one of the projects , named Multi-Energy Sources Power Assembly Control System , Which is supported by the subjects of a cross-sectional study topic with an enterprise .

  14. 基于SOLIDWORKS平台建立各分总成及整车的CAD装配模型,为建立车体结构CAE分析的有限元模型打下基础;

    The CAD model of each part and whole body were established according to the SOLIDWORKS platform to lay foundation for establishing the bodywork construction CAE analysis model .

  15. 开发了一种并联式HEV的动力总成控制系统,可实现HEV能量管理和状态切换控制。

    The powertrain control system of a hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ) is developed , which can achieve energy management and state switching control .

  16. 经过对混合动力汽车(HEV)的多能源动力总成控制系统进行的仿真研究,表明了该方法的有效性。

    A simulation study of the multiple energy source assembly control system of the hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ) is given to verify its feasibility .

  17. PS系列堆高车选用一体化液压站总成,内置12V/65A电池,智能式自动控制电池充电器及电池容量表,方便用户白天用车,晚上充电。

    PS Series stacker optional integrated hydraulic station assembly , built-in12V / 65A battery , automatic battery charger and smart battery capacity meter , user-friendly car during the day , night charge .

  18. 设计了USB接口,旨在解决混合电动车开发过程中通过USB接口对混合动力总成控制系统进行现场编程和调试。

    A USB interface has been designed with the aim of implementing the field programming and debug of the control system for hybrid powertrain in the development of hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ) .

  19. 通过对多能源动力总成控制器的硬件在环仿真试验和实车匹配测试,不仅证明该控制器能高效、可靠地运行,而且取得了降低整车油耗16.9%,排放指标远低于欧III标准的控制效果。

    The test results show that by using this power-train controller , HEV can achieve better control performance , with not only 16.9 % fuel consumption reduced but also lower emissions than Euro III .

  20. 介绍了一种用于液力变矩器总成焊接的六点TIG焊专机控制系统。

    This paper introduced the design of a TIG welding machine , which is used for six PTP ( point to point ) assembling welding of the Hydraulic Torque Converter .

  21. ADAMS进行动力学分析,共同建立了制动器总成多柔体模型,其中重点研究了鼓和摩擦片之间的柔性接触摩擦问题。

    Nastran , dynamical analysis with ADAMS , modeling flexible multibody of brake system with both software . Among these , the paper pays much attention on flexible contact friction between drum and shoe .

  22. 阀体,阀盖和楔板材质符合美国材料试验协会ASTMB62标准青铜。这种总成应该采用非电解镍镀层铜阀体。

    " Valve body , bonnet and wedge are to be of bronze aSTM B 62 . " The assembly shall have an electroless nickel-plated tubular copper body .

  23. 总成控制器(HCU)需要通过外设端口和其他电子控制单元(ECU)进行通信。

    HCU ( Hybrid Control Unit ) is an important part of HEV . HCU communicate with other ECUs ( Electronic Control Unit ) by peripheral ports .

  24. 提高焊接7T驱动后桥总成疲劳寿命方法

    Investigation of enhancing the fatigue life of welding 7T driven rear axle assembly

  25. 简要介绍18m长大型低入口城市客车车身骨架总成的结构特点及工艺要求。

    This article contains the brief introduction about the body frame assembly characteristics and process requirements of the 18 m-length low entry bus .

  26. 但在蒙扎,这支意大利车队给两台F10都配备了相同的低下压力尾翼总成。

    But at Monza , the Italian team are running the same low-downforce package on both F10s .

  27. 通过应用CFD技术对蒸发器总成进行数值仿真设计并改进设计结构上的不合理部分,可以达到使总成内空气的速度、温度得到均匀的分布,得到适当的速度值以及降低噪声的目的;

    By applying CFD to simulate designs and improve on the inconsequential designs , it can make the symmetrical distributing of velocity and temperature of air in HVAC , obtain a proper value of velocity and reduce the yawp value .

  28. 介绍了如何利用均方根分析法RSS(RootSumSquare)分析装配偏差、总成偏差及进行零件误差分配,并进行了理论推导和实例分析。

    It is introduced how to analyze assembling errors with the root sum square method and how to distribute errors of the assembly to its components . The theory derivation and case analysis are also carried out .

  29. 采用软件工程方法,在MATLAB/Simulink建立汽车各总成模型的基础上,辅以I/O、A/D、D/A、USB和CAN接口板,集成为混合动力轿车动力总成控制器仿真试验测试平台。

    A / D ? D / A ? USB and CAN interface boards , the models of various automotive components set up with MATLAB / Simulink are integrated into a test system of hardware-in-the-loop simulation for electric control unit of HEV powertrain .

  30. 对上海Buick轿车的动力总成控制模块、车身控制模块、制动/牵引力控制模块、仪表板总成模块作了简介。

    The power assembly control modul , car body control modul , brake / tractive control modul and instrument panel assembly modul of Shanghai Buick are briefly introduced in this paper .